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凡里是一个与世隔绝的国家。Vori is an isolationist nation.

不过,他的与世隔绝能够持续多久?But how long can his isolation last?

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和爱人去一个与世隔绝的希腊小岛。A secluded Greek island with my lover.

当然,我也不会与世隔绝的。but still be connected at the same time.

神有时关了门,使我们与世隔绝God sometimes shuts the door and shuts us in

与世隔绝和孤立感是非常可怕的。The isolation and cut-off feeling can be dire.

与世隔绝,你是不会成长,活出基督的。You cannot grow to Christlikeness in isolation.

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与世隔绝、贫穷的小山村。in its isolated, impoverished mountain villages.

这片土地多年来荒芜贫瘠、与世隔绝。For years this land remained barren and isolated.

她生活在一个与世隔绝的特权世界里。She was cocooned in a private world of privilege.

在迪涅附近的一个乡村里住着一个与世隔绝的人。In the country near D---- a man lived quite alone.

没有电话或者市政管线进入,自给自足,与世隔绝。No phone or utility lines coming in. Self-contained.

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天岱来到一个与世隔绝的非洲村落居住。Tendai comes to live in an isolated African village.

这种蛙类曾生活在一个与世隔绝的雾林的溪流内。Known from a single stream in an isolated cloud forest.

这个剧作家与世隔绝,生活在一个虚幻的世界里。The playwright cocooned himself in a world of pretence.

“亲爱的,我希望你不要抱这种与世隔绝的思想,”苏克利夫夫人说。"I wish you weren't so insular, darling. " said Mrs. Sutcliffe.

与世隔绝的殖民地通过飞行板宣传着自己生活的美好。Off-world colonies advertise a greater life via flying billboards.

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时光飞逝,艾格文在一处与世隔绝的森林里生下了她的儿子。Time passed, and Aegwynn gave birth to her son in a secluded grove.

随着与世隔绝的持续,我对孤独的感觉开始发生变化。As my isolation persisted, my feelings of loneliness began to change.

其他城市头的中国学生一样,我在他身上也看到了那种与世隔绝的感觉。I recognized that kind of remove among other urbane Chinese students.