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后海的“楠书房”取清宫“南书房”的谐音,显现出几分雅致和沉稳。In Chinese, Phoebe Nanmu Study is homophonous with South Study Room.

媒体质疑清宫木质屏风被水泡坏?Media questioned the qing dynasty palace woodiness screen be blisters bad?

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目的观察清宫瘤丸治疗子宫肌瘤的作用。Objective To observe the effects on Qinggongliu Pills treating hysteromyoma.

干清宫在明代和清代前期是皇帝的寝宫。Dry qing in the Ming dynasty and early qing dynasty is the emperor's bedroom.

1925年,他邀请了几位清宫的御厨合作,开设“仿膳”。In 1925, Zhao invited several imperial chefs to jointly open a Fangshan Restaurant.

清宫珐琅彩瓷创造了彩瓷的新品种。Qing court enamel painted porcelain created a new breed for Ming Qing painted porcelain.

“仿膳饭庄”最先的创办人名叫赵仁齐,他是清宫的一位厨官。Zhao Renqi, a kitchen official of the Qing Court, first established Fangshan Restaurant.

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结论清宫汤有明显的镇静、催眠、抗惊厥作用。Conclusion Qinggong Decoction has obvious effects of sedation, hypnosis and anticonvulsion.

为三清宫方士占碧云之墓,是一座宏伟壮观的古陵园建筑。Three Qinggong Pik Wan Fang Shi of the Tomb, is a magnificent ancient cemetery construction.

妇科急清宫后应该喝哪种消炎药呢?Which kinds of antiphlogistic drug should department of gynaecology drink after urgent clear palace?

通过长达十余年的工作,总计清理出清宫旧藏文物七十一万余件。After more than a decade of painstaking effort, some 710,000 relics from the Qing palace were retrieved.

一百多年前,清宫里的狗狗都牵绳,你凭什么认为自己小区里那小花园比皇宫安全?The dogs inside the Imperial Palace were with leash, why do you think your small garden is safer than that?

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在清宫中,她陷入了与四阿哥胤禛、八阿哥胤禩的三角恋。There, she falls into a love triangle with Yinzhen and Yinsi, the fourth and eighth sons of the Kangxi Emperor.

豌豆黄是北京传统小吃,同芸豆卷一起传入清宫。Being traditional Beijing snack, yellow pea cake was introduced to the Qing Court together with French bean roll.

这些厨师开了饭馆。因为他们所作的菜式是仿照原来清宫的御膳,因此称为“仿膳”。Some of them opened restaurants and served dishes imitating the imperial meals of the Qing Dynasty, which are called Fangshan.

结论清宫瘤丸具有抑制子宫平滑肌增生、镇痛和抗炎的作用。Conclusion Qinggongliu Pills has the effect of inhibiting hyperplasia of uterus smooth muscle, analgesia and anti-inflammatory.

龟苓膏是历史悠久的梧州传统药膳,相传最初是清宫中专供皇帝食用的名贵药物。The paste is a long history of traditional herbs in Wuzhou, legend for the first Qing emperor to eat expensive secondary drugs.

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这道传达至今的清宫御用药膳,传说是太医特地为慈禧研制的丰胸秘方。This message has the Qing Road, Queens Diet, the legend is the imperial doctor Empress developed specifically for breast recipe.

中西方画家共同努力,为迎合皇室的欣赏习惯和趣味,创造了中西结合的新画法,并逐渐确立了清宫院画的一种主要格调。By doing that, they also set up a main style of Qing palace painting in order to meet the royal appreciating habits and interest.

明霞洞位于昆化山南边的玄武峰下,是一个天然石洞,原来是上清宫的一处别院。Mingxia hole in the mountains south of Queensland's peak of basalt, a natural cave, the one originally Shangqinggong other homes.