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我们能够问出“我们在宇宙中是孤家寡人吗?”We are able to ask the question "Are we alone in the universe?"

它意味着成为孤家寡人,在公司里没有可以倾诉的对象。It means being lonely and having no one inside the company to moan to.

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在国际上,古巴不再是孤家寡人了。In the bigger international picture, Cuba is no longer such a unique case.

他怀疑是孤家寡人的困难所经历的人际关系。He was suspected to be a loner with difficulty experienced during relationships.

我说职业作家是很少能见到其他作家的孤家寡人。I said that professional writers are solitary drudges who seldom see other writers.

政坛角力,菅直人输了一阵再一阵,已经是风声鹤唳、孤家寡人了。Political struggles, Naoto Kan lost for a while longer while, already jittery, a loner.

关门主义的策略则是孤家寡人的策略。The tactics of closed-doorism are, on the contrary, the tactics of the regal isolationist.

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连交女兄弟也以节约为榜首考量,使到快四十的他仍是孤家寡人。Even brothers into female to save for the top consideration, make the quick forty he is still a loner.

如果只是活在自己的感觉中,就会注意不到他人的存在,结果成了孤家寡人。If one lives only in his own feelings, he will not notice the existence of others and end up being a loner.

我可以非常负责任的告诉你,一个没有圣骑士的术士将只能是孤家寡人。I say with some confidence that a warlock without a paladin is no where near as effective as a warlock with one.

事实上,有些跳舞大妈是孤家寡人,舞团就像她们的第二个家。As a matter of fact, some dancing lady is a loner with on family member at home, dancing group is like their second home.

她伤感的说起少年时出来闯荡也曾红极一时现在却成了孤家寡人,尤斌安慰她世上总有靠谱的男人不要想得太多。She sad about teens make also around now became a loner, YouBin comfort her in this world there is always a man by the spectrum do not think too much.

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看来他肯定从小生长在一个充满拒绝和隔阂的环境中,感觉他在哪里都不能真正找到自己的位置,永远要承认他是个孤家寡人。It often seemed that he must have grown up in a life filled with rejection and estrangement, feeling he didn't really fit in anywhere, always admitting he was a freak.