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他们让你假释了?So they paroled you?

你的假释官是谁?Who's your parole officer?

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他六个月前被假释。He was paroled six months ago.

他两年后获得假释。He was paroled after two years.

你知道他还在假释期间吗?Do you know that he was on parole?

你关在这里没有假释。You're sitting on life without paroles.

跨国携带枪支,违反假释。International gun charges. Parole violation.

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他时时刻刻捏着一把汗,生怕假释被取消。He lived in constant fear of that parole being revoked.

你女儿和被判刑假释的男朋友到家里来。Your daughter shows up with her recently paroled boyfriend.

博伊斯于2003年获得假释,有效期直到2047年。Boyce was released in 2003 and remains on parole until 2047.

听到丈夫具保假释的消息,她一下子跳了起来。At the news of her husband's parole, she started to her feet.

2005年,他因违反假释条例,被判处17个月监禁。In 2005, he was sentenced to 17 months for a parole violation.

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同时在服刑两年零十个月后,他也因表现良好假释出狱。He was paroled for good behavior after two years and 10 months.

如果罪名成立,他将面临无假释机会的终身监禁。If convicted, he faces life in prison with no chance of parole.

哦,那个怪物,就是他的那个假释官,是一只卑鄙的看门狗。Man, that freak that's his parole officer is some mean watch-dog.

非经法定程序不得假释。No parole shall be granted without going through legal procedure.

我才刚刚假释耶,不想莫名其妙的变成你的代罪羔羊。I just get my parole, and do not want to be your scapegoat somehow.

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然后,他被告知将会为那个杀人犯举行假释听证会。Then he was notified that the shooter was up for his parole hearing.

因为,没有假释的终身监禁可能是这个审判的最坏结果。Because life in prison without parole is the worst possible sentence.

服刑2年后,她获得假释并被遣返回洪都拉斯。After a few years in prison, she was paroled and deported to Honduras.