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乳糜性腹水是一种极为少见的临床疾病。Chylous ascites is an clinically infrequent disease.

绒毛的乳糜管是淋巴系统的一部分。The lacteals of villi are part of the lymphatic system.

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现在苔麸被发现一个新用途,可以用于乳糜泻患者的食谱中。Now teff is finding new uses in foods for people with celiac disease.

肺癌合并乳糜胸水临床上并不常见。Lung cancer with complicating chylothorax is a rare clinical condition.

现在,也知道你的乳糜微粒和胰岛素调节。For now, be aware of your chylomicrons and the insulin that regulates them.

一些未患乳糜泻的人表示,他们避免摄入谷胶时感觉更好。Some people without celiac disease say they feel better when they avoid gluten.

并就乳糜漏的发生原因、早期征象、治疗方法等进行讨论。In this artical the cause, diagnosis and treatment of chyle fistula were discussed.

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食用小麦对乳糜泻患者禁食呼氢试验的影响。Influence of previously ingested wheat on fasting breath hydrogen in celiac patients.

每1,000名乳糜泻患者中每年的死亡人数比对照组高出了2.9人。An additional 2.9 per 1, 000 celiac patients per year died compared with a control group.

乳糜腹水的临床表现和后腹腔的囊状淋巴瘤十分类似。The clinical manifestation of chylous ascites may mimic retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma.

目的探讨乳糜返流导致乳糜外瘘的诊断与治疗。Objective To discuss the diagnosis and therapy of chylous reflux and external chylous fistula.

早期查觉乳糜胸迳行治疗,使得病人早日康复。Early detection and treatment of a chylothorax can result the patient having an early recovery.

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对手术后一周及保守治疗超过手术后一周的乳糜瘘,应采用局部切开填塞。The open- wound and packing should be used in chylous fistulas persisting for more then 7 days.

一般而言,肝硬化并发乳糜胸通常是难以处理且预后不佳。Generally, chylothorax secondary to liver cirrhosis is hard to manage and the prognosis is poor.

目的评价核素淋巴显像在诊断儿童乳糜胸腹水中的作用。Objective To evaluate the value of lymphoscintigraphy in diagnosis of chylous ascites in children.

术后并发症包括1例腹腔内出血,2例切口脂肪液化和1例乳糜漏。Postoperative complications included 1 case of abdominal bleeding, 2 wound steatosis and 1 chyle leak.

乳糜泻是一种多发的由含小麦的食物中麸质诱发的自身免疫系统疾病。Celiac disease is an often-undiagnosed autoimmune disease triggered by gluten in wheat-containing foods.

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目的探讨丝虫性乳糜性腹膜炎合并中毒性休克的诊治要点。ObjectiveTo study the diagnosis and treatment for filarial chyle peritonitis complicated with toxic shock.

乳糜性胸水确诊后经保守治疗和再开胸行胸导管结扎术后均治愈。After conservative treatment and reoperation of ligation of thoracic duct, all of the chylothorax were cured.

其中一例在日本用OK-432作肋膜沾粘术后,成功治疗肺癌合并乳糜胸水。In the first one, which was published in Japan, the physicians announced a successful treatment using OK-432.