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没有拥抱。No hugs.

拥抱它吧!Embrace it!

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他们拥抱。They embrace.

拥抱怪物吧。Hug the monster.

因此拥抱他们吧。So embrace them.

他给了我一个拥抱。He gives me a hug.

他们互相拥抱。They hug each other.

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创建一个拥抱村。Create a hug-a- thon.

拥抱你的孩子。Cuddle with your kids.

他拥抱住德拉。He enfolded his Della.

恭喜你做到了,来拥抱一下“Congratulations. Hugs."

他们应该拥抱险境。They should embrace it.

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要是你需要拥抱咋办?What if you need a hug?

我也是,保重。拥抱。Me, too. Take care. Hug.

我的成长中缺乏拥抱。I grew up bereft of hugs.

我们拥抱。We were clasped together.

拥抱死亡的血盆大口吧!Embrace the jaws of death.

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常常拥抱和偎依。Hug and snuggle more often.

是否有双拥抱你的手?There are arms to hold you?

拥抱是新的握手方式吗?Are hugs the new handshakes?