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日本就是个傀儡。Japan is the puppet.

政权的傀儡木偶?Puppets of the state?

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让我们发挥的傀儡。Let's play with the puppet.

他不过是个傀儡。He is no more than a puppet.

傀儡王邪恶轴心。Puppet. Master. Axis. of. Evil.

他们不能和傀儡讨价还价。They cannot bargain with golems.

阳不过阴。导致傀儡之出。Yang but Yin. Cause of a puppet.

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所有傀儡都有大量的共性。All golems share a number of traits.

单为别人的评价而活着的人无异于傀儡。Single living for others is a puppet.

希律王是罗马人的傀儡。King Herod was a puppet of the Romans.

这说明你只不过是一个傀儡。That indicates you’re merely a puppet.

她正是赵子庚说傀儡师。She was Zhao Zigeng, the puppet master.

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但是实际上女皇仅仅是傀儡。But in reality she is only a figure-head.

他们就是我们必须要控制住的傀儡。So it's the puppeteers that we must target.

没道理尼泊尔应该做傀儡。There's no reason Nepal should be a puppet.

没有前显示和没有傀儡,真正的成交。No pre-show and no stooges, just the real deal.

盟友和傀儡之间是有区别的。There is a difference between ally and stooges.

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占领军建立了一个傀儡政府。The occupying forces set up a puppet government.

不再像木偶,不采取行动作为一个傀儡。No longer like puppet, not as acted upon a puppet.

石头,金属,稻草,甚至是血肉构成的傀儡存在着。Golems of stone, metal, straw, and even flesh exist.