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躺在温软的床上。Lying in the bed soft.

用温软的空气去换凛冽的寒风?。Hot air for a cold breeze?

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那将会是一样的温软和柔顺吗?That would be this soft and warm?

连同收回所有温软的废话。And countermand all the soft stuff.

首先,在床上她是一个温软的身躯。First, she is a warm body in the bed.

他躺在温软的床上,忘记了旅途的劳累。Lying in his warm bed, he forgets his tiredness from his travels.

夜间的云朵常显得像棉绒般的温软,是白天所不太看到的。There is often a fluffiness to them, a cotton-wool gentleness not seen by day.

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这温软的肌肤贲张的血,你不来抚触——述经传道的人哪难道你不觉孤独?。You have yet to touch This soft flesh, This throbbing blood— Are you not lonely, Expounder of the Way?

啊,谁给那件小外衫染上颜色的,我的孩子,谁使你的温软的肢体穿上那件红的小外衫的?。AH, , who was it coloured that little frock, my child, and covered your sweet limbs with that little red tunic?

每个温软潮湿的雨后,我爱坐在窗边,看那棵枝叶繁茂的大树,被冲刷得清澈透亮。Each gentle wet rain, I love sitting by the window, watching the tree leafy trees, have been washed crystal clear.

它是那样的轻柔,那样的飘扬、温软、含泪而黯淡,因此你就爱惜它,呵,你这庄严无瑕者。It is so light and so fleeting, tender and tearful and dark, that is why thou lovest it, O thou spotless and serene.

向日葵多酚,随时随地保护皮肤免受环境侵害,让肌肤细嫩柔滑,水润温软。Sunflower polyphenol protects your skin from environmental hazards at any moment, making it tender, smooth and moistening soft.

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对于她的家庭来说,花斑猫拉娜不过是只温软柔顺的小可爱,不过对邮递员安德鲁·格特来说却是个嗜血的猛兽。To the family who own her, Lana the tortoiseshell cat is nothing but a big softie. But to postman Andrew Goater, she is a vicious beast out for his blood.

就在这最初一刹那,她觉得她需要他,像要东西吃,买马匹,要温软的床睡觉那样简单,那样说不出原因地需要他。She had wanted him, in that first instant, wanted him as simply and unreasoningly as she wanted food to eat, horses to ride and a soft bed on which to lay herself.

远离市井尘嚣,在细腻温软的眷顾中,在漫妙的音乐里,在有浮动的暗香中,感受从大自然中提炼的精华浸入心脾。Far from the noisy city in this fine and gentle care, surrounded in the wonderful music and the floating hidden fragrance, you feel the essence extracted from the nature going into you body.

他勾唇一笑,眸色温软,托起她不满的小脸,道,“轻轻,我只是不想看到或听到,任何对你不敬的事。”He hangs up once the lips smile, Mou color Wen Ruan, begin to give the small face of her disaffection, course, "lightly, I just don't want to see or listen, anyone to you disrespect of matter."

此刻,我看着你,只能看到你娇嫩温软的樱唇与青春闪烁的眼眸,那时我们在那条小溪边第一次野炊,绕着那棵又粗又老的橡树追逐嬉戏。When I look at you now, I only see your sweet tender lips and youthful sparkling eyes as we sat and had our first picnic next to that small stream, and chased each other around that big old oak tree.