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很显然,马斯喀特应该是游历阿曼开始的地方。The obvious place to start is Muscat.

我将小鸭的游历都记录了下来。And I’ve recorded the ducky’s peregrinations.

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巴金斯是常在外游历的霍比特人,正是他捡到了魔戒。Baggins is the wandering Hobbit who found the Ring.

他是中国游历最广的一名高级外交官。He was China's most widely traveled senior diplomat.

我开着它游历了美国和加拿大各地。that I've been pulling across the states and Canada.

能否可在此购置游历巴士券?。Can Iget nearicket for the sight-seeing shuttle bus here?

他游历过所有的自由城邦和维斯特洛伊大陆。He traveled to all the Free Cities, and Westeros as well.

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巡回,游历。我们89年跟他们一起巡回演出的时候重创了他们。We did a tour with them in '89 and we beat them severely.

当在欧洲游历的时候,我甚至在Netfix上看了在线电影。I even watched streaming movies on Netfix while in Europe.

在国外的游历使他体验到不同的文化。He experienced different cultures during his peregrination.

您可以在一日之内,或乘车,或步行,或乘船在村寨里尽情游历。You may tour around the villages by car, by boat or on foot.

三峡之游,首先是一场对自然生态的游历。Three Gorges Tour, first of all is a natural ecological travels.

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他是一位可以从事不同工作的老师,常常游历于不同学校。He is a subsitute teacher and travels a lot from school to school.

碰巧游历僧人的对手只有一只眼睛。By chance attendant who was to combat with wayfarer had only one eye.

在那位旅游者的游历中,有许多可以被称作冒险。Among the traveler's peregrinations , many can be named as adventures.

水手们自豪地将耳环夸耀成他们游历和航海的标志。Seamen proudly sported earrings as a mark of their travels and voyages.

当你游历世界的时候,不需要带上一堆乱七八糟的东西。There is no need to hold on to clutter while you’re traveling the world.

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这里且将我平生的游历逐一道来,与诸君共享。HereI will spread and share my traveling experiences one by one with you.

本剧讲述的是虹猫蓝兔在海底游历的故事。The series tells the story of Howie and Landau's adventure under the sea.

1882年,拉贝生于德国汉堡,在中国定居之前他曾游历非洲。Born in Hamburg in 1882, Rabe had traveled to Africa before settling in China.