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我向一个无名之辈敬礼。I saluted a nobody.

我是个无名之辈,你是谁?I'm nobody ! Who are you?

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他们是无名之辈。They are nameless nothings.

你一生都想当一个无名之辈吗?Do you want to be a nobody all your life?

你的朋友都不过是无名之辈。Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies.

虽然他们是无名之辈,但是他们正在做着伟大的工作。Though they are nobody, they are doing the great job.

我开始从政时,还是个无名之辈。When I started in politics I was just an ordinary kind of guy.

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假如我们还是窝在宿舍里的无名之辈,我们一定会用上下面这几个工具。Here are a few tools we wish we'd had when we were still dorm-dwelling nobodies.

1999年他担任代理总统时,还是无名之辈。In 1999, when he assumed the role of acting President, he was a relative unknown.

来自下层的“无名之辈”几乎每日都有人在商业中发财致富。New fortunes were being made in trade almost daily by "nobodies" rising from below.

我答道,‘我想念我的家人,但是我也喜欢在这里做一个无名之辈——为自己保留一些隐私。’I said, ‘I miss my family, but I also like to be Miss Nobody here – to have some privacy.

虽然一个有才华的无名之辈也许能更好的把握这次机会,虎豹小霸王从一开头就弄砸了。While a talented unknown may have stood a better chance, the Sundance Kid was doomed from the start.

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“噢,无名之辈,”杰西卡说着噘起了她美丽的嘴唇,“他只是学校里的一个学生。他什么也没有。”"Oh, no one, " said Jessica, pursing her pretty lips. "He's just a student there. He hasn't anything. "

换了一个较宽敞的化妆室,装备有楼上那些跑龙套的无名之辈享受不到的便利设施。Instead, a comparatively large and commodious chamber with conveniences not enjoyed by the small fry overhead.

成功人士和无名之辈咋一看很容易区分,而事实并非如此。他们的区别在于行动背后的目标。This difference may at first look obvious, but it's quite opposite. It lies in the purpose people have that fuels them to take action.

越大的谎言越有人相信。一个疯狂的无名之辈,想出风头暗杀了总统,这只是一长串名单中的第一个替罪羊。Lee Harvey Oswald, a crazed lonely man who wanted attention and got it by killing a President was only the first in a long line of patsies.

越大的谎言越有人相信。一个疯狂的无名之辈,想出风头暗杀了总统,这只是一长串名单中的第一个替罪羊。Lee Harvey Oswald, a crazed lonely man who wanted attention and got itm by killing a President was only the first in a long line of patsies.

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李·哈维·奥斯华,一个疯狂的无名之辈,为出风头而刺杀总统,只是这一长串名单中的第一个替罪羊。Lee Harvey Oswald, a crazed, lonely man who wanted attention and got it by killing a President was only the first in a long line of patsies.

令外界一头雾水的是,一个国家的最高领导人突然从眼前消失了,取而代之的是一些无名之辈,如江青和她的同伙,即后来的“四人帮”。The outside world looked on, uncomprehending, as top leaders suddenly disappeared from sight to be replaced by unknowns, such as Mao’s wife Jiang Qing

昨天我一直在思考成功人士和无名之辈的区别,结果发现了一件很有意思的事。Yesterday I was thinking about the difference between successful people and those who don't achieve anything significant and I made an interesting discovery.