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它每天都在我心中播放。I play it everyday.

吻亮心中的日月星辰。Kiss to light our hearts.

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上帝的种子在我们每个人的心中。The seed of God is in us.

你在我心中总有一席之地.You are here in my heart.

他的心中萌发了怜悯之情。Pity stirred in his heart.

那也是我心中属意的。That's what I have in mind.

你的心中装着什么?What is there in your heart?

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帕顿是她心中的偶像。And Dolly Parton is her idol.

所以告诉我,谁是你们心中的前十位?。So nigga, who's your top ten?

你们心中的大卫。The David that is inside you.

心中对事实感到惊讶。The mind boggles at the fact.

劳伦这姑娘是我心中理想的人儿。Lauren is the apple of my eye.

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爱是我心中无尽的喃喃细语!Love is murmuring in my heart.

那让我放下心中一大块石头.That takes a load off my mind.

我心中涌起的思绪和感慨。The thoughts that arise in me.

您老一直在我心中。You are as elegant as a cloud.

可是,在他心中却有极深的属灵渴求。He had a deep spiritual hunger.

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我听到你心中对爱的呼唤。I hear your heart cry for love.

心中甜蜜蜜的。In heart honey honey sweetness.

他的形象铭记在她的心中。His image was fixed in her mind.