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我们征集他们当会议招待员。We enlisted them to serve as ushers at the meeting.

军队向该村征集粮草。The army requisitioned the village for army provisions.

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委托书征集对公司治理具有“双刃剑”效应。Proxy solicitations have a so called double-edged sword effect.

他们为这次运动会四处征集签名。They were soliciting signatures in every street for the sports.

李普曼,他还是玛丽的导师,他曾经为玛丽的研究征集基金。Lippmann was Marie’s mentor. He had also sought funds for her work.

她挨家挨户为自己投身的运动征集签名。She went from house to house collecting signatures for her campaign.

一名中士挨家挨户地给战士们征集弹药。A sergeant went from door to door requisitioning bullets for the men.

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接下来,他们会在当地职员中征集计算机极客的协助。Next, they enlist the assistance of the local computer geek on staff.

机器鱼有一天,被征集服现役卧底科学任务。Robot fish could one day be enlisted for undercover science missions.

他们中的数万人像杨女士一样被征集了唾液样本。Tens of thousands of them, like Mrs. Young, were asked for specimens.

我们征集签名的时候,他们都自发来帮助我们。Also when we collected the signatures, people helped us spontaneously.

这项请愿活动已经征集到了10600个签名,还将向15000个签名目标迈进。The petition has received 10, 600 signatures toward a goal of 15, 000.

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我们唯一的不同是通过一个创业征集令把这些标准正式化而已。The only thing special about this is that we formalized it with an RFS.

环境署将设置60天的公众意见征集期,还会应要求举办听证会。EPA will have a 60-day public comment period and a hearing if requested.

我公司对本征集活动保留最终解释权。Our company reserves right of final interpretation of this solicitation.

印刷的页面征集的是反复修改过的草稿,还需要打样,复核,编辑。A printed page solicits rewritten drafts, proofing, introspection, editing.

后续研究为征集50名慢性咳嗽患者,进行24小时咳嗽自动监测。A further 50 patients with chronic cough had 24-hour automated cough monitoring.

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税收超额负担是超过政府所征集的税收收入而形成的社会净福利损失。Tax excess burden is a loss of social net welfare in excess of government's tax.

但是一名智能手机专家认为这个向公众征集意见的计划有许多现实因素。But one smartphone expert believes the crowd-sourcing project comes with caveats.

Shields女士表示,在正式开始法律诉讼前,她要征集5千个签名。Shields says she wants 5, 000 co-signatories before initiating legal proceedings.