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下一页描述同轴电缆。The next page describes coaxial cable.

机器配线用高频同轴电缆“,”High Frequency Coaxial Cable for Appliance Wiring.

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一种同轴电缆形式,使用空气作为绝缘体。A form of coaxial cable which uses air as a dielectric.

同轴电缆采用了8个彩色编码同轴电缆遥控映射。Coax mapping with up to eight color coded coax remotes.

在以太网上的任何几个同轴电缆。Any of several types of coaxial cable used in ethernets.

但是,同轴电缆比双扭线贵的多。However, coaxial cable is more expensive than twisted pair.

这种天线不来与同轴电缆或车载式。This antenna does not come with coax cable or vehicle mount.

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可变电容器的焊点与RG213同轴电缆编织的连接。Variable capacitor soldering joints made with RG213 coaxial braid.

首先是截止频率,通常与同轴电缆有关。The first is the cut-off frequency, usually with the coaxial cable.

无论同轴电缆还是第三等级UTP线缆,都足以应付这些额外所需的带宽。And both coax and category 3 UTP can handle the additional bandwidth.

包括一个BNC接头用于连接骨干网连接到同轴电缆网络。Includes one BNC connector for connectivity to coaxial network backbones.

而在互联家庭中起到重要媒介作用的就是无线、电力线以及同轴电缆。The primary mediums in the home are wireless, powerline and coaxial cabling.

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本文介绍一种整体镀锡半软同轴电缆。This article describes the semiflexible coaxial cable with tin dipped braid.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加外部导体端接在机壳上的同轴电缆。Drag onto the page to add coaxial with outside conductor terminated on chassis.

该接口在雾里上课采用双绞线、同轴电缆、微波或光纤来实现。The interface used in the Fog class UTP, coaxial cable, microwave or fiber to achieve.

本文对圆柱型同轴电缆自感系数问题进行了深入的讨论。The coefficient of self-inductance of the cylindrical coaxial cable is discussed in depth.

一次是双绞线替代了同轴电缆,第二次是千兆以太网的出现。Once when coax was replaced with twisted pair, and a second time when gigabit Ethernet came in.

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这就是为什么同轴电缆以太网不需要集线器,而运行在别的媒介上的以太网则需要。This is why coax Ethernet does not require a hub, and Ethernet over other media typically does.

用于同轴电缆连接,2孔或4孔平板式安装,线路板安装,也可为用户特殊要求设计。Style Coaxial cable, semi-rigid cable, 2 or 4 holes panel mounting, PCB mounting and custom design.

通过在粗同轴电缆中以广播方式发送数据包,以太网把网线布线当作广播用的“光以太”。Ethernet used its cabling as radio “ether” by simply broadcasting packets over a thick coaxial line.