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只是他们的父母被搜身了。The parents get frisked.

回头要好好提高搜身术咯。I gotta get better at frisking.

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他们对他彻底搜身寻找毒品。They gave him a thorough frisk for drugs.

他们要对所有乘客搜身吗?Are they going to frisk all the passengers?

警察向他搜身,以确定有无隐藏武器。The policeman frisked him for hidden weapons.

当时10名嫌疑犯正在车站被搜身。Ten suspects were being frisked at the station.

图为治安警察在夜间巡逻时对两名男性进行搜身。Police officers frisked men during a night patrol.

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探监之前,她必须先接受搜身,然后被带到一个斯巴达式的简陋食堂,这就是他们见面的地方。She is strip-searched, and taken into a spartan canteen.

所有乘客都由机场的警察进行搜身。All of the passengers were frisked by the airport police.

另一种可以选择的安检方式是全身搜身检查,而这种方式需要更长的时间。The alternative is the pat-down search, which takes longer.

球迷将被强制搜身,接受机场一样的安全检查。Fans can expect airport type security with mandatory pat-downs.

美国运输安全管理局感觉乘客很抵触全身扫描和搜身检查。The TSA is feeling major pushback on full body scans and pat-downs.

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乘客们在被允许登上飞机前先被搜身。The passengers were frisked before they were allowed to board the plane.

我是进圣母院唯一被搜身的人,真的,我亲眼所见I was the only person frisked going into Notre Dame, literally, that I saw.

那好吧,做事要公平,要搜身就得大家都搜,反正我身边没带钱。Now, fair doo's all round, let everybody be searched. I've no money about me.

“就用这个家伙,”他嘟囔着,“既可掘地又可搜身①。”"There now," he grumbled, "is something that will search the earth and a man."

警察逮捕了那些年轻人,并进行搜身寻找使他们负罪的东西。The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them.

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他们在机场对他进行搜身检查时,发现他的衬衣里藏着一把刀。When they frisked him at the airport, they found a knife hidden under his shirt.

“我没有偷金币,”勒布低声下气地说,“所以我反对搜身。”"I did not steal the coin, so I cannot allow a search. " said Lebeau, beggingly.

最终,他们还是被抓进了难民营,被一个个搜身。But finally, they were caught to the refugee camp, where they were searched one by one.