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这是神经梅毒造成的。This is caused by neurosyphilis.

滴虫病比梅毒常见。Trichomoniasis is more common than syphilis.

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汤显祖死因是梅毒不足信。The legent about the death of syphilis of Mr.

婚后没几天就染上了梅毒。Syphilis developed a few days after the wedding.

梅毒是最让人谈虎色变的一种性传播疾病。Syphilis was the most feared of venereal diseases.

让你得艾滋,或者,你知道宽面会让你得梅毒。Gives you AIDS, or, you know, lasagne gives you syphilis.

我知道她患有梅毒,但是我昧着良心没有为她做任何事情。I knew she had it, but I ignored my conscience and did nothing.

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结节可以成为溃烂,类似于初级下疳梅毒。Nodules can become canker, similar to the primary chancre syphilis.

目的探讨树胶肿型神经梅毒的影像学表现。Objective To evaluate the imaging manifestations of cerebral gumma.

目的探求目前梅毒血清学试验的最佳选择。Aim To search the best serological detection for Treponema Pallidum.

神经梅毒的诊断目前尚无金标准。There is no golden standard available now in diagnosing neurosyphilis.

许多螺旋体是病原体,会导致雅司病、梅毒、以及回归热等。Many spirochetes are pathogens causing yaws, syphilis, and relapsing fever.

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有个四十多岁的村妇,被查出患梅毒。There is a more than 40-year-old female, was found suffering from syphilis.

所以你可能把像梅毒这样的疾病,从一个人传到另一个人And so you could pass diseases like syphilis from one individual to another.

年左右,司格特·乔普林开始饱受梅毒的折磨。By about nineteen fifteen, Scott Joplin began suffering badly from syphilis.

难以避免地,它们将会与著名的塔斯基吉梅毒研究作比较。Inevitably, they will be compared to the well-known Tuskegee syphilis study.

结果有16例梅毒患者脑脊液存在梅毒抗体。Results 16 syphilitic had one or more than one treponemal antibodies in CSF.

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梅毒的传染性很高.任何紧密的皮肤接触都可能导致它的传递.Syphilis is very infectious and close skin contact during sex can pass it on.

目的探讨细胞免疫与早期梅毒血清固定的关系。Objective To study of the correlation of cellular immunity and sero-resistance.

梅毒被治愈的人对新的梅毒感染有免疫能力。People who have been cured of syphilis are immune to new syphilitic infections.