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喜欢小动物,善良,善解人意。Like small animals, good-hearted, savvy.

探索,冒险,旅行,善解人意seeking, exploring, traveling, understanding

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重视别人的感情世界的悲与喜,善解人意。Type FOURs are empathetic to feelings of others.

我喜欢装扮成善解人意的小丑和胆小的小丑。I like to dress up as nice clowns and scary ones.

如果他说胖,就惩罚他不善解人意。If he says yes, punish him for his insensitivity.

“嗯,我是那种非常善解人意的人,”他说。“Yeah, I’m a very understanding kinda guy, ” he said.

简属于那种既善解人意又乐于助人的女孩子。Jane is one of the girls who are considerate and helpful.

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这个保安是多么富有同情心和善解人意啊!How compassionate and understanding the security guard was!

她或他是善解人意体贴人还是有控制欲问题?Is he or she emotionally supportive or have control issues?

戒毒的人了解戒毒的痛苦,他们知道怎样善解人意。Drug users understand detox and they know how to be empathetic.

在她的影片中,她的形象健康、活泼而且善解人意。In those movies, her images are healthy, lively and considerate.

她善解人意,愿意交流感情,让你感觉舒适。She's an empath and wants to connect, make you feel comfortable.

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我想让别人看到我足够好,我是有价值的,善解人意的。I wanted others to see me as good enough, worthy and outstanding.

正念的人更幸福、更愉悦、更善解人意、更无忧无虑。Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure.

“他是一个谦逊的、善解人意的人,而且他对我很好,”他对我说。"He was a humble and understanding man, and he treated me well," she told me.

他善解人意、心地善良,而且仰慕我,我想象不出没有他的生活。He is thoughtful and kind and adores me and I can't imagine my life without him.

不论你是一个新的网页,或一个善解人意的冲浪职业,这是给你的工具。Whether you are new to the web, or a savvy surfing pro, this is the tool for you.

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我希望你能来并且待在这,你看起来那么可爱、善解人意。I would love for you to come and stay here, you seem so nice and very undersanding.

那个时候你认为你的爱人是那么的有趣,搞笑,聪明,有见地,善解人意。You thought your partner was interesting, funny, smart, insightful, and understanding.

我是一个善良传统的女人,善解人意,性格开朗,待人真诚,感情专一。I am kind traditional woman, considerate, open-hearted , sincere, undivided in feeling.