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这是恒温的变化。It's an isothermal change.

哺乳动物都是恒温动物。Mammals are warm-blooded animals.

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安装一个设定程序的恒温调节器。Install a programmable thermostat.

我们这里是恒温游泳池。The swimming pool is in-door heated.

恒温槽工作基于空气浴原理。The oven operates on the air -bath principle.

想要得到在恒压状态下的偏H偏,和在恒温状态下的偏H偏,好的,这是两个我们,在这里想要得到的东西。OK, these are the two things were trying to get here.

在27℃恒温条件下,产物最高交联温度为35.3℃。At 27℃, the highest crosslinking temperature is 35.3℃.

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海豚是恒温动物。他们生活在海洋里。Dolphins are warm-blooded animals and live in the sea.

这很有力地说明了恐龙是恒温动物。This strongly suggests that dinosaurs were endotherms.

恒温控制器是由一根连杆与汽化器相连的。The thermostat is connected by a link to the carburetor.

经由人工采摘,在不锈钢桶内恒温发酵21天。Hand-picking, ferment in stainless steel barrel for 21 days.

这些风扇有一个恒温控制的粘液离合器。These fans have a thermostatically controlled viscous clutch.

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必须把葡萄酒存放在恒温中吗?Do I have to store my wine in a temperature-controlled cellar?

必须把葡萄酒存放在恒温酒窖中吗?Do I have to store my wine in a temperature-controlled cellar?

牛顿发现了在空气中恒温声音的速度。Newton had discovered the isothermal velocity of sound in air.

恒温动物和骨结构之间也有相应的关联。There is also a connection between endothermy and bone structure.

哈弗森管恒温动物和骨结构之间也有相应的关联。There is also a connection between endothermy and bone structure.

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介绍了基于PIC16F877A单片机的恒温控制系统的设计。PIC16F877A micro controller-based temperature control system design.

他么认为这些理由不能支持恐龙是恒温动物。They don't think those arguments prove that dinosaurs were endotherms.

毕竟他们是在与外界隔绝的、22度恒温的舒适环境里长大的。They've grown up in 22-degree comfort, insulated from the world outside.