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这是一个聚餐会。This is a potluck.

坚持家庭聚餐。Insist on family meals.

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和体型微胖的朋友聚聚餐Go for dinner with fat friends

我们一个星期都在喝酒聚餐。We're wined and dined all week.

每周我们会有一次家庭聚餐或郊游。We have one family meal or outing a week.

人们常要在一起聚餐,有些人午夜还会吃饺子。People often get together and have a big meal.

飞鱼能从一次免费的油炸鱼聚餐会会逃跑吗?Can a flying-fish flee far from a free fish fry?

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你能推荐一个跟朋友外出聚餐的好地方吗?Could you recommend a good place to eat out with friends?

家庭聚餐亦是这一趋势的重要方面。Family togetherness is also an important aspect of the trend.

主席天猛公刘金荣在2011年新春团拜聚餐会上致词时摄。Speech By Chairman during Chinese New Year Gathering Dinner 2011.

我们参加了由公司总裁举行的聚餐会。We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.

上星期六下午他应邀去参加一个烤肉聚餐会。He was invited to attend a barbecue social last Saturday afternoon.

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为什么不叫一大群朋友去野餐来代替一个人外出聚餐呢?Instead of eating out, why not call some friends and have a picnic?

聚餐的地点是在海滩边一个风景如画的桥墩上。The picnic was held on a very picturesque pier right off the beach.

这是因为许多提供家庭聚餐的餐馆有儿童餐。This is because many family-friendly restaurants have kid-size meals.

与他们一起去探险,每周安排一次聚餐或是酒会聊聊让人激动的事。Schedule a weekly dinner or drinks just to talk about what's exciting.

聚餐期间,大家你一言我一语,都是谈论过去开心的事情。During the dinner, we chatted each other about the lucky things before.

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美国家庭还会在周日晚上聚餐,学生们仍然照常上课。And families sit down to Sunday dinner, and students prepare for school.

在过去的两年里母亲和她的老板一直在给一年一度的聚餐会帮忙。For the past two years Mom and her boss had helped at the annual dinner.

准备一场自己带菜的自助聚餐,比作东煮全部的菜简单多了。It's easier to have a potluck dinner than have the host cook everything.