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他艰难地扯着网。He pulled it harder.

他备尝艰难。He undergoes hardships.

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十一艘船开往艰难堡。Eleven ships to Hardhome.

他作了一次艰难的攀登。He made a difficult climb.

我们进展艰难。We progressed well uphill.

但是,现在很艰难。but it, right now it's hard.

所以就目前来看,这是很艰难的。so right now, it's very tough.

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他在雪地里艰难地行走。He walked clumsily in the snow.

紧贴着干净的山岩,艰难地攀登。Cling to clean rock, hard climb.

失败已使他习惯于艰难困苦。Failure inured him to hardships.

对她而言,那曾是一段艰难的日子。It had been a hard life for her.

我必须做一个艰难的选择。I have to make a difficult choice.

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但时,对大多数旁遮普人来说,生活很艰难。But life is hard for many Punjabis.

它总是艰难地在边缘徘徊。It's really rough around the edges.

沙恩—对他来说这是一个艰难的晚上。Shane-really rough night for Shane.

因为艰难是冠冕的代价。Hardship is the price of coronation.

对所有人来说,这周都是艰难的一周。It's a difficult week for everybody.

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为期8个月的拍摄甚是艰难。The eight-month shoot was difficult.

让我们一起并肩战斗,开始这项艰难的工作。Let us begin this hard work together.

这是一项既费时又艰难的工作。This is hard work, and it takes time.