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朝圣者们乘专机去麦加。He went to Mecca as a pilgrim.

在公司专机问题上挑刺很容易。Corporate jets are easy to pick on.

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改装后的专机一般由四部分组成。A refitted plane consists of four sections.

朝圣者们乘专机去麦加。Pilgrims travel to Mecca in specially chartered planes.

总统昨天乘专机达到首都。The president reached Beijing by special plane yesterday.

奥巴马在北京机场登上空军一号专机离开中国前往韩国。Barack Obama arrives at a U. S. Military Airbase in Osan, South Korea.

该专机用于加工一次性静脉输液器上的塑料软管。This special machine is used in processing the plastic vein infusion tube.

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吴邦国是27日上午乘专机离开惠灵顿抵达奥克兰的。Wu left Wellington for Auckland by a special plane on the morning of May 27.

该专机用于加工经编机上的关键零部件槽针床。The machined is used to process the key spare parts of KS tricot machine-Slot.

该专机具有装夹方便、加工效率高等方面的有点。The plane has a convenient setup, processing efficiency somewhat higher regard.

霍英东的遗体将于今早由专机运返香港。A chartered flight will carry Henry Fok Ying-tung's body to Hong Kong this morning.

吴邦国是在22日上午圆满结束对摩尔多瓦的访问后乘专机离开基希讷乌来到雅典的。Chisinau for Athens by special plane after successfully concluding his visit to Moldova.

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布朗之后又回见了阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊,他是为此次会谈特地专机赶来的。He later met Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who flew into Kandahar especially for talks.

当地时间下午2时许,吴邦国委员长的专机徐徐降落在曼谷廊曼空军机场。At about 4 pm local time, Chairman Wu Bangguo's special plane landed at Tashkent Airport.

这样大年初一,一行四人准时登上了飞往荆州的专机。This Lunar New Year's Day, and his party boarded the four time the plane flew to Jingzhou.

就职宣誓仪式就在达拉斯爱田机场的“空军一号”总统专机上进行。The swearing-in took place on the presidential plane, Air Force One, at Dallas' Love Field.

23日下午,胡锦涛从利雅得乘专机抵达达曼访问。On the afternoon of April 23, Hu arrived in Dammam for a visit from Riyadh by special plane.

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该专机用于加工一次性静脉输液器上的塑料软管。The machine is used to process the plastic soft tube of the disposal vein transfusion device.

吴邦国是在圆满结束对澳大利亚的访问后于25日上午乘专机离开堪培拉的。Wu left Canberra on the morning of May 25 after concluding his successful visit to Australia.

胡锦涛是于当天下午从利雅得乘专机抵达达曼访问的。Hu arrived in Dammam for a visit by special plane from Riyadh on the afternoon of the same day.