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差不多吧,不得已而为之。You got to do what you got to do, pretty much.

这一次起诉傅盛,实属不得已而为之。This time, the prosecution of Fu Sheng, is the last ditch.

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对,差不多吧,不得已而为之。Yeah, you've got to do what you've got to do. Pretty much.

在那种情况下,你只能不得已而为之。That you've got to do what you've got to do in a case like that.

这是为了适应舍瓦和巴拉克所做的调整,也是由于梦魇般的伤病不得已而为之的选择。It was more to accommodate Sheva and Ballack and also due to those nightmarish series of injuries.

在动力集中系统中,对支路和末端设备的流量调节,采用改变阻力的方式是不得已而为之。In power centralized system, we have to change the resistance to regulate the flow of subcircuit and ter.

有人说他们在那样的处境下,不得已而为之,并且暗含了“人数重要“的理念。The defenses had to do with necessity, their dire circumstance, and, implicitly at least, the idea that numbers matter.

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在动力集中系统中,对支路和末端设备的流量调节,采用改变阻力的方式是不得已而为之。In power centralized system, we have to change the resistance to regulate the flow of subcircuit and terminal equipments.

科索沃宣布有条件的独立是不得已而为之的现实,但别自欺欺人地说这没有开了一个先例。Kosovo's declaration of dependent independence is the least worst way forward, but don't let us pretend it's not a precedent.

总统去了沙姆沙伊赫,看起来是由于日益紧张的政治局势的催逼之下不得已而为之。The president’s departure, for Sharm el Sheik, seemed for some to have stripped the country’s pressing political problems of some of their urgency.

但成功的背后是双方利益的角逐和较量,貌似和睦的合作乃是政治家不得已而为之的选择。But in the shadow of success there lurked overt disputations and covert contentions of sorts, with apparent cooperation barely a reluctant choice under political pressure.

一旦确定自己不能成牌或者成牌希望小,不妨打出牌,即使放炮也比别人作弊成大牌强,当然后者属于不得已而为之的下策。Once identified himself no brand or brand hope, may wish to play cards, even shooting than others to cheat a major suit, of course, the latter belongs to the last ditch plan.

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但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因为他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。If you cannot do this, as a last resort, the pledge will get sold off, but it is generally not in the pawnbroker's interest to do so, particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers.

脚盆说现在把工作人员最大辐射摄入量从100微媳妇提升到250微媳妇,是不得已而为之的。Japan has raised the maximum radiation dose allowed for nuclear workers, to 250 millisieverts from 100 millisieverts. It described the move as "unavoidable due to the circumstances", AP reports.