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又象黄色的棉被,铺盖在田地里,或者水面上。Also like the yellow quilt, blanket in the fields, or water.

农夫将动物垫草铺盖果树护根。Nung-fu turned the animal bedding into mulch for fruit trees.

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庭院内由木条铺盖的甲板来自于科尼岛上的旧木板步道。The deck planks were reclaimed from the Coney Island boardwalk.

这里有充足的砂质物铺盖不整合面。There is sufficient sand available to blanket the unconformity.

这里有富足的砂质物铺盖不整合面。There is sufficient sand available to blanket the unconformity.

所有的木楼面都用木板铺盖,详述于后。All timber floors are covered with floor boarding, described later.

所以,铺盖着纯净白雪的冬天也有它自己独特的美。So winter, with its pure white blanket of snow, has its own beauty.

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太平洋海浪粉碎大石铺盖的海岸在智利的伊基克。Pacific Ocean waves smash the boulder-strewn coast of Iquique, Chile.

散落在四周的是链条,枪支,工具,铺盖,衣服和许多其他的物品。Lying around them were chains, guns, tools, bedding, clothing and many other articles.

要找到一种纯正的野草,我们只好卷起铺盖,打起行囊,远走天涯。We have no choice but to curl up bedclothes, collecting traveling bag for far-off skyline.

你睡在甲板还是货仓随你便,伊西拉会给你找点铺盖。You may sleep on the deck or in the hold, as you prefer. Ysilla will find bedding for you.

秋高气爽,一些树木却绿葱葱,大地铺盖了一层金黄色的叶片。Although it is autumn, many trees still remain green. The ground is floored by golden leaves.

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特易购在路面铺盖了3000多吨的沙土,并出动了150辆沙滩车清理停车场的积雪。Tesco has 3,000 tons of grit and 150 quad bikes to clear snow from car parking lots, he said.

它们中的大多数生活在海洋中,手臂上铺盖着蛰刺细胞,以浮游生物为食。Most of them live in the sea and have arms covered with stinging cells. They feed on plankton.

舱中有个小小床铺,床上有锦绸同红色印花洋布铺盖,折叠得整整齐齐。There was a small bed in there. On it were neatly folded quilts of silk and red printed calico.

可忽然有一天,他们卷起铺盖,搬家走人了,他们的爱也带走了。And then one day, theyll pack up all of their stuff and move away and take their love with them.

即使在洋基队请他捲铺盖走路以后,古锥教练在今年春训时还是答应过来当客席指导员。Guidry consented to be a guest instructor in spring training even after the Yankees fired him as a coach.

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像其他许多人一样,他卷起铺盖离开了第七大道745号,Rohatyn再次失业了。Like many others, he packed up his boxes and left 745 Seventh Avenue, a man once again without portfolio.

论述北京地区首次在地铁9号线丰台北路站应用装配式铺盖体系。The fabricated cover system was first adopted by the Fengtai North Road Station of Beijing subway Line 9.

确定斜墙后浸润线的位置及铺盖下等势线的分布。Determination of the line of saturation behind a inclined wall and the equipotential line below a blanket.