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⊙、相生相克,其实也是另一种意义上的,相依为命。Based on, also is another kind of sense, actually.

在中国,有个很古老的理论-----食物是相生相克的。There is an old theory in China that food mutually reinforces and counteracts each other.

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对于大多数植物,种间最有效的资源竞争是异种相生相克关系。Among plants, one of the most effective forms of interspecific competition for resources is allelopathy.

情感与思想,好比五行,相生相克,有,便2者皆存在,无,便一件不留。Emotion and thought, like the five row, reinforce each other, with all 2, then exists, no, and not to stay.

周易阴阳平衡、五行相生相克原则为中国最朴素的辩证唯物思想。Yin-Yang and Five Phases Theory, Correlative Thinking is China's most naive thinking of the dialectical materialism.

运用阴阳-五行说和生态学原理初步探讨了营林系统的相生相克等五行生态关系。Ecological relationship of Wuxing forest system is analyzed according to Yinyang -Wuxing theory and ecological principle.

五行的相生相克,是人体正常生理活动的基本条件。Promotion and restriction among the five elements are the basic conditions for normal physiological activities of the body.

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运用五行学说初步探讨了生态系统的相生相克的关系,进而认识生态系统的有序性和自组织等特性,促进生态系统的可持续发展。The fostering and restraining relations in ecology system are analyzed primarily in the way of structure of Wu xing theory.

这五种物质存在相生相克的关系,并处于持续的运动变化之中。These five kinds of substances are of the relationships of generation and restriction and are in constant motion and change.

并对中医学说中利用五行的相生相克,促进人体机能的健康发展,达到延年益寿的目的起到了重要作用。Using Wuxing Theory for reference, Chinese medicine helps promote the healthy development of the human body and promise human longevity.

我们知道职业之间总有相生相克,可我们还是想避免极端。We understand that classes will to some extent always have other classes they are better or worse against, but we want to avoid extremes.

植物能向环境中释放化学物质对另一植物产生影响,这就是植物间的相生相克现象。Plants can release chemical substances which can affect the growth of other plants. This is the phenomenon of allelopathy among the plants.

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东与西,多与少都并非鱼和熊掌,这是我们理解的相生相克的自然法则,因为它既中庸又特异,正如我们自己以及周围的世界。Whatever we think and do, these compatible options are equal with the laws of nature. by our understanding, for it is as mean and specific as ourselves and the world around us.