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那只金丝雀整天在鸣叫。The canary warbled all day long.

那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啾。I coaxed the canary into the cage.

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我巧妙地使金丝雀进出笼子。I coaxed the canary into the cage.

在金丝雀码头撑下去。I work as an escort in Canary Wharf.

大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。Notes of a cello, contralto, canary.

我要开始吃瘦点的金丝雀了。I gotta start eating leaner canaries.

“孟买是一只金丝雀”,他说。“Mumbai is a golden songbird, ” he said.

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那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啭。The canary was trilling away in its cage.

那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啾。The canary was trilling away in its cage.

我巧妙地使金丝雀进出笼子。The canary was trilling away in its cage.

小金丝雀,在我嘴里?你好大胆儿啊!A canary — in my mouth? How very dare you!

煤矿里不再有金丝雀了,这是有原因的。Canaries no longer in coal mines for a reason.

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大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。The vibrant Notes of a cello, contralto, canary.

金丝雀码头有哪些公司?What kind of companies are here in Canary Wharf?

所以,我觉得所有的大银行都在金丝雀码头了,我是这样认为的。so all the big banks are in Canary Wharf, I think.

有些猫喜欢抓小鸟,比如金丝雀。Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries.

欢迎来到伦敦金丝雀码头四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel London at Canary Wharf.

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那天晚些时候,在伦敦金丝雀码头,一枚炸弹爆炸了。Later that day a bomb exploded at Canary Wharf in London.

打个比方,他们就是煤矿里的金丝雀。They are, quite literally, the canaries in the coal mine.

为此原因,露天煤矿以前经常使用金丝雀。Canaries were formerly used in coal mines for this reason.