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政府已经疏散了海岸地区的民众。Officials are evacuating all coastal areas.

打开大门,疏散圣彼得广场的人群。Open the doors, evacuate St. Peters square.

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疏散通道,普埃布拉州,墨西哥,1997。Evacuation Route, Puebla State, Mexico, 1997

埃克森美孚石油泄漏至黄石河,下游居民疏散。Exxon oil spill in Mont. river prompts evacuations.

应通过楼梯井进行楼层疏散。Floor evacuations should be made by the stairwells.

为疏散人员提供湿毛巾和干毯子。Provide wet towels and dry blankets for evacuation.

熟知紧急疏散和消防工作程序。Conversant with emergency evacuation fire procedures.

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安全出口,疏散通道,和楼梯不能完全被堵塞。The exits, routes, stairwells are not totally blocked.

警方正积极疏散山区居民。Police continue to evacuate some foothill neighborhoods.

这座楼着火了,大家必须立即疏散。This building is on fire, you must evacuate immediately.

疏散照明由安全出口标志灯和疏散标志灯组成。Escape lighting consists of exit light and escape legend.

左翼部队以疏散开的横队向前推进。The left wing,having deployed into line,began to advance.

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在新喀里多尼亚岛,沿海的学校也停课,疏散学生。In New Caledonia, schools in coastal areas were evacuated.

还会使云团疏散,降低可燃物的质量。It also disperses the cloud and reduces the flammable mass.

作业场地每年都应做一次紧急疏散演习。The site should conduct annual emergency evacuation drills.

北卡州有7500名被疏散者分散在81个营地中。North Carolina currently has 7, 500 evacuees in 81 shelters.

把老百姓从被占城市疏散到了农场。The civilians were evacuated from the occupied city to farms.

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因此,我重复一次,如果不能再快的话,应该立刻疏散17号城市。Therefore, I repeat, evacuate City 17 at once if not sooner !

轰炸时,儿童都疏散到乡下去了。The children evacuated to the country when the city was bombed.

成千上万的人——甚至整个城镇——均被疏散,重新安置。And hundreds of thousands of people—entire towns—were relocated.