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他的俏皮话使会谈的气氛活跃起来了。His witticisms souped up the talks.

他说俏皮话贬低我的能力。He made a wisecrack about my ability.

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我虽然在讲俏皮话,但我说的是实情。I'm wisecracking, but I'm telling the truth.

我看琳达好像不怎么喜欢我的俏皮话。I don't think Linda appreciated my wisecracks.

他一直拿俏皮话取笑人家的长相。He kept making wisecracks about people's looks.

马上又一句俏皮话出现在他的脑子里。At the moment another witty word swam into his mind.

别担心,他仍然满嘴俏皮话一针见血。Don't worry, he's still full of one-liners and quips.

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还有一些人专门等着抖出和动物有关的俏皮话呢。And some were just waiting to make their share of animal puns.

我的意见就是出去旅行,并时不时地说些自作聪明的俏皮话。My advice is to ride it out, make an occasional smart-aleck quip.

她继续她的故事而不受她的听众的欢乐俏皮话所打扰。She continued her story undisturbed by the merry sallies of her hearers.

我的书通常被放在史努比和俏皮话集子中间。I'm generally shelved among Snoopy calendars and collections of wisecracks.

“我以为他们都已经灭绝了,像马拉车,”这是1934年的一句俏皮话。“I thought they’d gone out, like horse-cars, ” a character in a 1934 novel quips.

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我觉得我要和艾米。法拉赫。福勒分享一下,她就喜欢这种俏皮话。I think I shall share that with Amy Farrah Fowler. She'll appreciate the witticism.

他甚至转换好了一些希腊双关语和俏皮话,其通常不见经传。He even translates well some of the Greek puns and word plays that usually are lost.

这个电视剧在年轻人中很受欢迎,因为它里面有很多时髦的俏皮话。The TV drama is popular among the youth because it's filled with the latest one-liners.

演出效果很妙,尤其是马迈特在剧本里接二连三地撒上一针见血的俏皮话。The effect is clever, especially when Mr Mamet peppers the script with incisive one-liners.

你的同事可能将它视为一场写蹩脚俏皮话的比赛,但你完全可以选择退出。Your colleagues may make this into a contest of lame witticisms , but you can simply opt out.

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你的同事可能将它视为一场写蹩脚俏皮话的比赛,但你完全可以选择退出。Your colleagues may make this into a contest of lame witticisms, but you can simply opt out.

12所有的失败,但没有说俏皮话最大的失败,并把它草率失败更糟。All failed, but did not say a wisecrack biggest failure , and put it sloppily failed even worse.

将你的家庭照片拿出来分好类,给你喜欢的照片写上标题或一些俏皮话.Sort through family photographs and write funny captions or one-liners to go with your favorites.