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芬格兰绿色时代势不可挡!FGR'Green Era Is Inundant!

然而,坏的压力则是势不可挡的。However, bad stress can be overwhelming.

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我明白,寻求真理要有势不可挡的激情。"I know. An overwhelming passion for it".

空气中弥漫着一股势不可挡的力量。An irresistible power is diffusing the air.

男人们,在此我再次表示歉意,女性电影是势不可挡的。And -- again, sorry guys -- there's no stopping them.

这个国度的爱势不可挡却又遮遮掩掩。This country's affection is overwhelming and furtive.

大坝塌了,江水狂泻下来,势不可挡。The dam collapsed, and the water plummeted irresistibly.

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至此,硅谷的创新潮流已经势不可挡。Silicon Valley turned into an unstoppable force of innovation.

庄子眼中的鲸是雄壮的,势不可挡甚至神圣的。The whale in the eyes of Zhuangzi is gallant, heroic and holy.

脱衣舞俱乐部的兴起,有时,看起来势不可挡。The rise of lap-dancing clubs has, at times, seemed unstoppable.

因此让我们准备接受这势不可挡的趋势。Therefore let's get prepared to embrace this irretrievable trend.

这一势不可挡的长久相思和强烈想念是我们生理的一部分。This overwhelming preoccupation and drive is part of our biology.

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当你有了每个人都团结在一起,有时我们可以将势不可挡。When you've got everyone together, at times we can be unstoppable.

在首席官和下层中,“自我安慰型头衔”泛滥势不可挡。Title-fluffing is as rampant among the indians as among the chiefs.

在前十年看来不可能的事,在后十年变得势不可挡。What seemed impossible in one decade became inevitable in the next.

这种新武器以后还会造更多,势不可挡。This new weapon, of which there would be many, would be unstoppable.

在一个世纪看来不可能的事,在另一世纪变得势不可挡。What seemed impossible in one century became inevitable in the next.

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财神到喜气到,美苑今日开门大喜,人人都有大礼包!势不可挡开门礼,快来领取!MYuan today opened exultation, everyone has a big gift, come to collect!

德拉克点燃了球员们的激情,球队开始势不可挡。Drake ignited his team and they embarked on a run of points accumulation.

他们狂吼尖叫,然后他们大笑,这将是势不可挡的。They roar, they scream, then they laugh, and it's just been overwhelming.