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做庄恣意杀闲家。Do wild zhuang kill sent home.

毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。The damage to the painting is the work of vandals.

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毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的…The damage to the painting was the work of vandal.

苹果树乌黑、虬曲的枝条因未经修剪而恣意蔓生。The tree's dark twisted branches sprawl in unpruned abandon.

攻守俱佳的同时还有一脚出色的恣意球功夫。Offense and defense and also excellent free-kick Kung Fu kick.

我们必须在更广的范围里考虑恣意破坏公物这个问题。We need to consider the problem of vandalism within ar context.

寒风恣意劲,香菇惹人怡。Wind affairs-arbitrary strength, mushroom provoking satisfying.

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问题是,如此恣意的投资多被浪费掉了。The trouble is that such profligate investment is largely wasted.

印度消费者恣意挥霍的时代尚未到来。The era of the free-spending Indian consumer is not here quite yet.

圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌舞蹈,恣意高兴。On Christmas Eve, people dance and sing around Christmas tree merrymaking.

托普西就会恣意胡闹上一、二个小时。Topsy would hold a perfect carnival of confusion , for some one or two hours.

正是由于旅行人数增多和边境开放,病毒才得以在全球恣意扩散。Their virulence has only been intensified by increased travel and open borders.

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于这个谎言中,人们恣意喝酒、撒野或者沽名钓誉。In this lies, people unscrupulously drink, act boorishly to perhaps fish for fame.

社会优越感、自命清高和恣意放纵是其悲剧命运之所在。Blanche, whose tragedy is caused by her superiority complex, vanity and indulgency.

你可能一不留神又点燃一根,但不要因为偶尔一次恣意就让自己放弃。You may slip up and give into a craving, but don't let that slip-up make you give up.

我习惯了现在这个波澜不惊的自己,曾经的恣意狂笑放到了背后里。I used to own now in this placid, once placed in the back of the wanton guffaw inside.

关于希腊何至落入如此境地,最典型的解释为恣意挥霍的的公共开支。Explanations of how Greece got in this mess typically focus on profligate public spending.

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源于自然的灵性之光,在白榉木的光滑曲线里恣意升腾。The spirit light coming from nature is rising freely in the smooth curve of the white beech.

只有面对温馨的家,除却所有伪饰后的本真才能如此在客厅间恣意流荡。Only when we face the warm house, the essence of ourselves can flow freely in the living room.

长歌当哭的恣意沉默在双人房的旧衣橱,浅吟低唱的流行埋就于铜锣湾的废仓库。Wilful silent the old wardrobe in the Double room , being popular for that shallow song sings.