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“天道酬勤”是我的人生信念。"God" is my faith in life.

我相信“天道酬勤”。I believe that the God rewards the diligent.

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相信天道酬勤,你会祝福我吗?I believe God will help me, too. will you bless me, too?

高中三年,有一句话一直伴我走过---天道酬勤。High school three years, a word has been accompanying I walk-god.

我想“天道酬勤”,我们需要的是紧迫感,而非妒忌感。We need to have a sense of urgency rather than a sense of jealousy.

我一直在努力,因为我深信天道酬勤的道理。I always work hard because I know that God reward those who work hard.

在新的机遇和挑战下,天道酬勤。New opportunities and challenges in the next, God rewards the diligent.

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上帝是公平的,只要我们奋斗,他定不吝啬,因为天道酬勤。God is fair, as long as we struggle, he will not stingy, because Tiandaochouqi.

努力过的人们都会发现,天道酬勤,回报和付出是相等的。When they do, they realize the rewards that are commensurate with their efforts.

我一直相信,天道酬勤,有一分耕耘,就会有一分收获。I always believe that God rewards the diligent, have you sow, there will be no gain.

“天道酬勤”,让我们共同期待“GD”的成功与辉煌!"God helps those who help themselves. " Let us expect the success and glory of "GD".

始终信奉“天道酬勤”的中国成语,“天意厚报那些勤劳、勤奋的人”。Always preached-that "god" of Chinese idioms, "god thick cable those industrious, diligent person".

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天道酬勤,积极创新,全力为客户营造一个新型,环保的绿色家园。Hard working and Positive innovation to offer you a new style and environmental protection homestead.

赋庐诗以“天道酬勤,人道酬善,商道酬信”作为公司的经营宗旨。Fu Lu poem "Him, humanity good pay, pay suppliers said the letter" as the company's business objectives.

尽管如此,我相信天道酬勤,有时候会读一下宗教和哲学方面的书籍。However, Fate will help those who helps themselves. Sometimes I like reading books about religion and philosophy.

钱和华罗庚是同学,年轻时候都靠勤奋努力,他们都相信天道酬勤。Hua is the money and students, at all times by a young hard work, they believe work hard will give you achievement.

短短的三年里,我始终以“天道酬勤”自励,积极进取,立足扎实的基础,对专业求广度求深度。In a short span of three years, I always "descend" self-stimulation, proactive, based on a solid foundation for the professional breadth for depth.

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一个人无论在城镇,还是在农村,不管从事那一个职业,只要安于本职,勤于耕耘,乐于进取,勇于拼搏,就会得到天道酬勤的回报。A man, no matter in town or in country, no matter what he do , only reconcile his position, work hard, be happy to make progress, be bold to struggle, can be rewarded.