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如果发生入户盗窃就给警方打电话。Ring the police if there is a burglary.

结论入户调查仍有一定困难。Conclusion In-home survey is rather difficult to conduct.

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入户育婴师每月收入最高已能达到万元。The salary of home infants' nurse can reach 10,000 at most per month.

方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法入户调查。METHODS An investigation was made by cluster and stratified sampling method.

笔者在前人研究的基础上,对入户盗窃进行了一些探讨。Based on the research of the predecessors , I do some research upon indoor theft.

六个中美洲国家完善了生活水平入户调查方法。Six Central American countries improved their household surveys on living standards.

有线电视业在全国的入户率,尤其是在农村市场的入户率更低。The ratio of China's wired television holders is very low, especially in rural markets.

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电讯盈科也提供光纤入户服务,同样是得益于香港的人口密度。PCCW also offers gigabit service to thehome and benefits from the same population density.

入户调查表明,这些蚊帐的实际使用比例非常高。Household surveys indicate that a very high proportion of these nets are actually being used.

从入户花园的收成会做的更好,袋大袋拉链锁的方法。Larger crops from the home garden will do better with the Bag method using large zip-lock bags.

同时在100个地级和县级候选城市中进行了覆盖60多万人的独立入户调查。There was also an independent survey involving a total of 600, 000 people from 100 Chinese cities.

农地转入户多为汉族,转出户多为少数民族。Whereas the acquirers are mostly ethnic Han Chinese and sellers are mostly ethnic minority Chinese.

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“入户抢劫”应是行为人非法进入私人住宅及具有私人住宅特征的其他场所进行的抢劫。"Housebreaking" should be defined as the actor enters into the private domicile or else like illegally.

方法用自行设计的调查表,入户对712名城市居民、农村居民进行现场调查。Methods Self-designed questionnaire was conducted among 712 residents in rural and urban area in Shantou.

威瑞森电信是美国光纤入户业务的领军企业,尚不能提供“全球信息网格”服务,甚至连一半的速度都达不到。Verizon, the nation's leading provider offiber-to-the-home service, doesn't offer a gig, or even half that speed.

本研究主要使用了参与观察、深度访谈和入户问卷调查相结合的调查研究方法。This study benefits from the methods of participative observation, deep interview and questionnaire investigation.

美国光纤入户服务行业的领头羊,也没有提供1G带宽套餐,而且别说1G了,哪怕只是500M他们都没有。Verizon, the nation’s leading provider of fiber-to-the-home service, doesn’t offer a gig, or even half that speed.

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HT花园页检查对存储的下一个更新,从入户花园的老龄化和加工烟草。Check back to the HT Garden Page for the next update on storage, aging and processing tobacco from the home garden.

方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,对云南省罗平县的老年人进行入户问卷调查。Method Cluster random sampling method was used to conduct a household survey on the elderly in Luoping Country, Yunnan.

方法采用社区护理需求问卷对246位居民进行入户调查。Methods Questionnaires regarding community nursing requirement among 246 residents by home investigation were performed.