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土地使用税属于资源税类。Land used tax attribute resources tax.

推进资源税改革。We will carry forward the reform of resource taxes.

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目前中国对那些资源毪资源税?What resources in China are subject to the Resource Tax ?

解决这一问题的比较有效的方法就是对资源开发开征资源税。Taxation on resources is a good idea to solve the above question.

资源税改革的大方向是从目前的从量计征转变为从价计征。Resources in the general direction of tax reform from the current amount of taxation from ad valorem taxation for the change.

资源税变革,将为山东经济发展带来新机遇,也会对经济发展提出新的要求。The resources tax reform will bring about new opportunities and challenges for the economic development in Shandong Province.

在一些生产性服务业领域推行增值税改革试点,推进资源税改革。We will carry out a pilot project to institute VAT reform on some producer services, and carry forward the reform of resource taxes.

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我国税制绿化的主要措施在于提高和完善资源税、环境相关产品的消费税及排污收费体系改革。The green taxation reform should be focused on resource taxes, environmental-related consumption taxes and the pollution levy system.

增值税转型全面实施,成品油价格和税费改革顺利推进,资源税改革启动试点,内外资企业税制全面统一。Trials were launched for the reform of resource taxes, and the corporate tax systems for domestic and overseas-funded enterprises were unified.

就煤炭资源税的税率额度、中央对地方放权、对山西进行政策的扶持等进行了建议。Next, the essay makes some suggestions on tax rate amount of coal resources tax, the policy support of the central government on Shanxi, and so on.

资源税的应纳税额,按照应税产品的课税数量和规定的单位税额计算。The tax payable for Resource Tax shall be computed in accordance with the assessable volume of the taxable products and the prescribed unit tax amount.

目前,煤炭资源税即将改为'从价征收’的消息在山西煤企里传得比较多,大家都很关心。At present, the coal resources tax will soon be changed to 'ad valorem levy' news in the Shanxi coal prices in more than Chuan, everybody is very concerned.

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改革既应扩大资源税的征收基础,涵盖之前未征收的资源,还应改变征收方式,从按照币值征收转变为按照计量单位征收。The reform should both expand the resource tax base to include materials that have not been taxed before and switch to a tariff that charges per unit instead of a tax based on monetary value.

现行的煤炭资源税和资源补偿费政策,助长了煤炭生产企业的资源浪费行为,是造成我国煤炭资源开发存在问题的制度根源。The current policy of coal resource tax and resource compensation fee foster coal enterprises' extravagant development and is also the root of causing the problems in coal resource development.

现行自然资源税存在性质定位不合适、征收范围过窄、计税依据不合理、单位税额过低等问题。The present natural resource tax has some problems, such as the nature localization is inappropriate, levies scope is too narrow, the tax basis is unreasonable, the unit tax amount is low, etc.