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老夫人读着读着,泪水如小河流水般奔涌而出。Tears flowed like river.

隐士血流奔涌,太阳穴随之悸动。His temples throbbed with the rush of blood.

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一种坦率的真诚和温暖人心的感情从他的音乐中奔涌出来。A frank sincerity and warm-heartedness well from his music.

他的眼中折射出欣喜,他的胸中奔涌着豪放。His eyes reflected the joy of his chest Haofang surging forward.

还有巨浪飞溅,泡沫奔涌,海鸥在呼喊。And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the seagulls crying.

他描述说奔涌的洪水在某些地区深达20英尺。He described rushing floodwaters up to 20 feet deep in some places.

浑浊的流水奔涌翻腾,淹没了我的纸船。Rills of muddy water rushed and swelled the stream and sund my boat.

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江水每日里只是奔涌,为布衣人的幸福苦难欢腾和呼号。River jubilats for the blessedness and pain of Buyi folk people every day.

这音乐的圣流冲垮坚固的阻障,奔涌向前。The holy stream of thy music breaks through all stony obstacles and rushes on.

在马斯喀特城外的一场比赛中,年轻的骑师们驱策着他们的骆驼,从大门中奔涌而出。Exploding from the gate, young jockeys spur their mounts in a race outside Muscat.

在沟的尽头奔涌着八公里长的长海,那是本区最大的海子。At the end of it is the eight-kilometer-long Changhai Lake, the largest in the area.

在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary.

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我们会打开情感的窗口,会让白天被理智锁住的那部分思绪尽情奔涌。We open the vents of feeling, and exercise parts of our minds that reason locks away by day.

时间和事件奔涌而来,又混杂在一起,像个没有什么真实和理性可言的恶梦。Time and events were telescoped , jumbled together like a nightmare that had no reality or reason.

该画作描绘的是一个尖叫的人,背后是黑色奔涌的河流和血红色的天空。The painting depicts a screaming person with the backdrop of black running river and blood-red sky.

原力在两人之间奔涌流淌,如光热般凝聚汇集,使得他们的每一个动作都是那么轻松自如。The Force surged around them, gathering so that it felt like heat and light, making every move easy.

意愿将所有非共振或不协调的频率、存有和连线从你的能量场中奔涌而出。Intend to flush out of your immediate field all non-resonant or discordant frequencies, entities and cords.

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这里有高耸的连山,奔涌的河流和碧绿的草地,来到这里的每个人都认为到了美好的乌托邦。It is a place of soaring mountains, gushing rivers and green meadows considered a utopia by those who visit.

在数年的蛰伏后,托德的创造力终于寻找到合适的形式,像喷泉一样奔涌出来。After dormancy of several years, todd's creativity seeks proper form eventually, flush like fountain come out.

只要找出有特殊意义的问题,就会有助你进入才思奔涌的状态。It's all a matter of discovering the particular questions that will help you to access more resourceful states.