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当然它并非灵丹妙药。It isn’t a panacea.

伤风感冒没有灵丹妙药。There is no sovereign remedy for colds.

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只有爱,才是世间最好的灵丹妙药!Love , only love is the best catholicon.

即使是最完善的计划也不会是包治百病的灵丹妙药。Even the best-laid plans will not be a miracle cure.

乱搞是倭黑猩猩解决一切问题的灵丹妙药。Sex is the solution to all of the bonobos’ problems.

夏季皮炎治疗的灵丹妙药是啥?。Is the panacea that summertime dermatitis treats what?

但取笑厨房里的灵丹妙药一直发展缓慢。But teasing out the culinary panacea has been slow going.

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政府资助可能也是一剂灵丹妙药。Yet another potential panacea lies in government funding.

为了救婶婶,李逍遥前往仙灵岛去求取灵丹妙药。To treat his auntie, he went to Xianling Island to find drug.

所有这些不过是装灵丹妙药的玻璃瓶。All these are merely the bottles carrying his mysterious elixir.

他们认为信贷扩张是所有经济弊病的灵丹妙药。With them credit expansion is the panacea for all economic ills.

有人以为教育是包治一切社会问题的灵丹妙药。Some people believe that education is cure-all for social problems.

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但是,对于问题成堆的医疗系统,却至今没有一个公认的灵丹妙药。But there is no unity on the best medicine to heal the ailing system.

本品系纯中药制品,实为治高血压之灵丹妙药。This is a pure Chinese medicine, a true panacea against hypertension.

开心的笑容和睡个饱觉,是最好的灵丹妙药。A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.

很多年来,氢一直被视为解决环境问题的灵丹妙药。For many years, it was presented as a panacea to environmental problems.

在这种情况下,“酒店式管理”是一种灵丹妙药海口房地产?In that case, "hotel-style management" is a panacea for Haikou real estate?

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事情一目了然,即使他们利用自己的资源也不会提供一剂灵丹妙药。And it's pretty clear, even from their own sources, that it is not a panacea.

在医学领域没有包治百病的灵丹妙药,学习也没有坦途。While there is no cure-all in medical field, there is no royal road to learning.

Gym-goers会高兴地获悉二头肌卷发可能是一种普遍的灵丹妙药!Gym-goers will be pleased to learn that bicep curls could be a universal panacea!