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在底部是“弗朗西斯哈米德阿尔一个中篇小说”。At the bottom is "A Novella by Francis Hamit".

这是我长期以来读过的最优秀的中篇小说之一。This is one of the best novellas I've read in a long time.

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马丁称这是一部相当有可读性的中篇小说。Martin says it's a novella , but either way it should be interesting.

这部电影是基于史蒂芬•金的中篇小说改编,并由约翰尼•德普和约翰•图图罗联袂出演。This is based off a Stephen King novella and stars Johnny Depp and John Turturro.

当代中篇小说和电影改编之间的历史关系几历浮沉。Modem novelettes have experieced some ups and downs in their adaption into movies.

市面上还有这位女作家其他几部才华横溢的短篇和中篇小说的译本。There are also other volumes of her brilliant short stories and novellas available in translation.

综观2007年的中篇小说,其叙事编码的基因变异是非常突出的特征,尤其是“底层叙事”的结构性变化。A survey has showed that novellas in 2007 are characterized by the gene variation in narrative and coding, esp.

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英国小说家格林的中篇小说构思精妙,享有世界声誉。British novelist Graham Greene was quite good at writing middle-sized fictions and won the prestige in the world.

雷.布莱伯利的这部经典中篇小说描述了一个未来世界。Ray Bradbury's classic 'novelette' portrays a futuristic world where firemen start fires instead of putting them out.

然而,相对于长篇小说与短篇小说,中篇小说的理论研究却相对滞后。However, compared with river novels and short stories, the study and theory about novellas are comparatively backward.

当他发现Zinaida的情人的真面目时,屠格涅夫的美妙中篇小说进入了一个崭新而复杂的层面。When he discovers the identity of Zinaida's lover, Turgenev's wonderful novella enters a new and complicated dimension. WF

从梅里美的中篇小说到歌剧脚本在阿莱维、梅拉克两人笔下形成,是本文探讨的第一个重点。The first is the process from the nouvelle by the French author Prosper Merimee to the script by Ludovic Halevy and Henri Meilhac.

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这部中篇小说以康拉德在刚果的亲身经历为素材,展现了十九世纪初殖民地非洲的图景。It is prompted mainly by Conrad's own experience in Congo Free State in 1890, and shows us a scene in the heart of colonized Africa.

但同时辽宁中篇小说的苦难意识比较薄弱,文化底蕴不够厚实,缺少激情和艺术上的探索精神。But the sense of misery of Liaoning novelette is weak. The writers are lack of cultural inside information, passion and explore spirit.

它的情节读起来像是出自于计算机朋客的中篇小说,这可能会激发技术控的阅读欲。Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.

他以强力创新的一系列中篇小说,描写乡野、纪实乡民、演绎乡情、雕缕乡心,体现了根植现实的深厚内蕴。He writes a series of Medium-length novels which tell us what home village is, what the villagers is, and what village feeling and heart is.

本文选择了时间形式这个角度,在叙事学的框架内研究90年代中篇小说在时间形式方面的特点。The author of this article tries to study the features of the time forms appeared in the novellas in 1990s from the point view of the time form.

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这包括写博客帖子和信件,写小册子和讽刺作品,回复读者来信和写读书心得,情诗,短篇小说,中篇小说和声明书。Write blog posts and letters, booklets and diatribes, letters to the editor and book reviews, love poems and short stories, novellas and manifestos.

然而,由于我每天都要花一定时间在日连载小说上,在年底我就能写成一本中篇小说,而实际上每个月我不用对此太费心力。But by focusing my efforts into writing a daily serial, I’ll have a novella complete by the end of the year with very little time invested per month.

现实主义作家蒲宁纯俄罗斯式的短篇小说和篇幅不大、结构自由、内涵异常丰富的中篇小说达到了高度完美的程度。According to the present author, the short stories and nouvelle written by the Russian realistic writer Bunin represented the perfection of those genres.