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尘世之友谊,莫过于寒窗。——字严。The world of friendship, is cold.

尘世之友谊,莫过于寒窗。Thee world of friendship, is cold.

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风起轮回尘世路。Wind from the cycle of earthly Road.

请珍视在尘世间短暂的存在!Please value oen's temporal existence!

在更远、远离尘世的高处And further still at an unearthly height

从你昏睡、呆滞的尘世仰望。Look from thy dull earth, slumber-bound.

一个人羁留尘世的生涯结束了。Thus ended one man's sojourn in this world.

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凝视海水冲洗尘世的崖岸。Of pure ablution round earth's human shores.

上天借你一颗灵魂,尘世租你一块坟墓。Heaven lent you a soul Earth will lend a grave.

我是个尘世间载歌载舞的废物,我是上帝造物的有毒副产品。I am the toxic waste byproduct of God's creation.

他对尘世生活的记忆已经开始淡薄了。The memory of his life on Earth was falling away.

它的职责是满足你的尘世间的创造。Its function is to fulfill your earthly creations.

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而且,在尘世间还有他能得到慰藉和施以情感之处。And he had earthly consolation and affections also.

我学会了和特里他们一样,在伦敦烦嚣的尘世中买醉。I learned how to enjoy myself in London from Terry.

异教徒不认识上帝,他们只爱尘世。The heathens know not God, and love the world only.

尘世对着它的情侣,揭下了它那浩瀚的面具。The world puts off its mark of vastness to its lover.

尘世对着它的情侣,揭下了它那浩淼的面具。The world puts off its mask of vastness of its lover.

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它以为这样便可以逃避肉体和尘世。Thus it thought to escape from the body and the earth.

我时常觉得,我行走于尘世林儒之间。Oftentimes it seems that I walk the earth among pygmies.

归根结底,尘世间的欢乐大多是过眼烟云,转瞬即逝。In the final analysis, most of life's joys are transitory.