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他穿越美国北部进行飞行竞选游说。He tarmaced across the North.

他为了选票向这选区游说拜票。He canvassed the district for votes.

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他们在游说议员赞成增加补助金。They are lobbying for higher subsidies.

在我的游说下,他同意投资我们公司。I convinced him to invest in this company.

他们在为自己的提议进行游说。They are lobbying for their own proposals.

棉农通过游说使这一议案得以通过。The cotton farmers lobbied this bill through.

林同棪向雷根总统游说「和平桥」兴建计画。President Reagan for his "Bridge of Peace" plan.

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约翰在对一些立法委员们进行游说。John is lobbying some members of the legislature.

这个集团正试图对议员们游说以反对提高税收。The group is trying to lobby against higher taxes.

我期望今后对我有更好的游说演变方式。Henceforth I expect a much better conversion effort.

生态学家们进行游说成功地使该法案得以通过。The ecologists successfully lobbied the bill through.

密电显示,其中一次游说涉及到双方最高领袖。One pitch came from the highest levels, the cables show.

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与此同时,奥巴马也在为议案的通过在两个层面进行游说。Mr. Obama waged a two-front campaign on behalf of the bill.

他们为她竞选游说,帮她赢得这次竞选。They canvassed for her and helped her to win this election.

林同棪向雷根总统游说「和平桥」兴建计画。Lin lobbied President Reagan for his "Bridge of Peace" plan.

如今,核能源游说人士尽其所能维护其核工业。Now nuclear lobbyists are scrambling to defend the industry.

他站在试探者的一面﹐游说我们投降。It takes side with the tempter, and persuades one to give in.

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一些不愿承担额外成本的小型盐商经常游说反对加碘盐。Small salt makers who fear extra expense often lobby against it.

指控和游说团体是民主政治的死穴。Thinktanks and lobby groups are the bane of democratic politics.

游说团体可以冲淡这个耗费企业资金的计划。Lobby groups could water down plans that will cost industry money.