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你的水桶有多满?How Full is Your Bucket?

好好冲洗水桶。Give the pail a good swill.

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那人把水桶交还给她。The man handed her the bucket.

给我拿一个脸盆和一个水桶。Bring me a washbasin and a pail.

珂赛特丢了那水桶。Cosette let go of the bucket-handle.

他将水桶放下井去取些水。She let down the bucket into the well.

他带上了一个水桶和一个网罩。The boy took a bucket and a net with him.

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水从龙头里喷溅著注入水桶中。Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.

你可以找到一个装满水的水桶来做举重。You can find a bucket full of water to lift.

把水桶放进马桶水箱。Put the container in your toilet's water tank.

水桶底儿一古脑儿地都磕掉了。The bottom of the bucket is clean knocked cut.

哪个东西能盛水多,是杯子还是水桶?。Which can hold more water, a cup or a bucket ?

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嘟嘟熊和毛毛球在水桶旁边。Dudu bear and Maomao cat are beside the bucket.

水自管内注入水桶中。The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.

它害怕。它认为水桶和拖把太可怕了。It is afraid of the mops . It finds them horrible.

大水桶盛接管子里流出的东西。The water butt catches the overflow from this pipe.

同学们拿着铁锨、水桶和小树苗上路了。We brought some spades, pails and saplings with us.

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他将水桶放下井去取些水。He lowered a bucket into the well to get some water.

在决定之水桶,你查找你的时间表和计划。Once in Decide, look up your schedule and plan ahead.

一条牛背上驮着两只小水桶。An ox carried two water kegs strapped across his back.