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全书依实际调查现况分为11章,1。导言。In total, the book has 11 chapters.

这是现实,但现况并不理想。This is the reality, but it is not the ideal.

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分析不同加盟业种下之教育训练制度现况。Analysis of the present scheme of the educational training, 4.

方法现况调查和病例对照研究。Methods Cross-sectional study and case-control study were performed.

但是现况却是,亚们人多比雅在神殿的当中得到了一个房间。Here, Tobiah, an Ammonite, was allotted a room in the holy temple area.

乔治亚农业厅长汤米致词说明台湾与乔州农业关系现况。Commissioner Tommy Irvin Speaks of the Taiwan-Georgia Agricultural Relations.

根据现况,国家对兵役法进行了调整。Based on current situations, the state made modifications to the conscription law.

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我相信我们的国家还不错,但这只是根据现况。I believe our country is not bad already but this is only under currect situation.

目的掌握河北省阳原县地方性氟中毒流行现况。Objective To investigate the current status of endemic fluorosis in Yangyuan County.

目的了解飞行员腰背痛的现况及危险因素。Objective To explore the prevalence and associated risk factors of back pain in pilots.

7月现况指数终值跌至70.5,上月为73.2.The current conditions index slipped to 70.5 in the final July reading, from 73.2 in June.

因为其法律现况,都已过时且不合宜,除了少数的神奇例外。For the condition of their laws is bad almost past cure, except for some miraculous accident.

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方法对50名修船业铅接触工人和50名对照组的健康状况进行现况调查。Methods A study was conducted of 50 boatyard workers exposed to lead against a control group.

会计部必须每周向总经理提出现况报告。The accounting department is required to submit weekly status reports to our general manager.

本文综述了准晶的结构、形成和物理性质的现况。I survey current pictures of the structure, formation and physical properties of quasicrystals.

瞭解台湾艺术村实施行销策略之现况。Catch the present condition how the marketing strategy is conducted among those artist villages.

寺背村现况调查未发现患者、病牛和钉螺。Curently, no schistosomiasis cases were found in human being and cattle in the surveyed village.

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目的了解广东省兴宁市城乡中小学生视力不良现况。Objective To study the poor eyesight situation of the students in the Xininng town and countryside.

目的了解湖南省土源性寄生虫感染现况。Objective To understand the epidemiological status of soil-transmitted parasites in Hunan Province.

看看同学们一个个的生活排的满满的,而我难道就这样满足于现况吗?对什么感兴趣叱?。See one of the students, and full of life, I would like to meet current? What interested in rather?