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州长赦免了这个小偷。The governor pardoned the thief.

尊敬的华盛顿州英斯利州长。Governor Jay Inslee of Washington.

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他宣布竞选美国州长。He announced for the U.S. governor.

他一定稳赢州长的职位。He is a shoo-in for the governorship.

我的一些州长同仁也这样认为。So did several of my fellow governors.

他是一个好人,一位杰出的州长。Dukakis was a good man and a fine governor.

伊利诺伊州的政治颠覆了由当时的州长。Illinois politics were upended by then-Gov.

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州长宣布紧急状态。The governor declared a state of emergency.

我们控制住了局势,州长先生。We have everything under control, Governor.

有人在集会上抢走了州长的假发。They took the governor's toupee at the rally.

同时50个州中的36个州也要选举州长。Also 36 of the 50 states will elect governors.

在桌子首位的是州长Tancredi。At the head of the table is Governor Tancredi.

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2006年,他以压倒优势当选纽约州州长。He was elected governor in 2006 by a landslide.

其中一人便是乔治.华莱士州长。One of those votes was Governor George Wallace.

州长不以为然,告诉她不要在纠缠这事了。The Governor dismissively tells her to move on.

布莱登是在加拿大出生却是在美国缅因州长大的。Brendan was born in Canada and grew up in Maine.

然而州长承认她做了错误的决定。But the Governor acknowledges she made mistakes.

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州长派他任书记之职。The governor nominated him to the secretaryship.

16日,艾尔·戈尔宣布参与竞选总统,他很可能将面对的对手是州长乔治·W·布什。Al Gore announced for President on the sixteenth.

西双版纳州州长段金华如是说。Duan Jianhua, the governor of Xishuangbanna said.