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影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。The film was rubbished by the critics.

影评经常会误导观众。Movie reviews often mislead the audience.

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这部电影受到许多影评家的好评。The film was well-received by many critics.

影评家们讨厌那部电影,但我们却很喜欢它。The critics hated the movie, but we loved it.

转自时光网影评——你是我面包上的黄油,我生命中不可或缺的呼吸。You're the butter to my bread , the breath to my life.

我既没有看过电影预告片,也没有读过任何影评。I hadn't seen any previews, nor had I read any reviews.

瑞查得.克里斯对功夫熊猫的影评See Richard Corliss' review of the original Kung Fu Panda

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请尽量只贴有关孙尚香的影评文章。Please try to post only articles related to Sun Shang Xiang.

这都让影评人伦纳德·莫丁产生了一个问题。All of this makes Leonard Maltin, a film critic, ask a question.

影评家们干嘛还费心劳力的写威尔史密斯新片的影评呐。So why should critics even bother to review a new Will Smith movie?

我没有时间去看这部影片,再说,影评也诸多贬斥。I haven"t time to see the film-----besides, it"s had dreadful reviews.

在第一流的报纸内对我颇有吸引力的是书刊评论和影评。What appeals to me in the highbrow papers are the books and film reviews.

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有些影评甚至认为他的演技胜过同片演出的影界传奇艾尔.帕西诺。Some critics even suggested he outacted his costar, film legend Al Pacino.

以下影片视频,欢迎国、内外各界专业贤达与影评专家严格检视评鑑。All professionals are invited to view and examine the following video clips.

直到呢刻我去睇其他人写既影评都有种莫名感动。而唔系难过。Always having fun Doing all those things Without any strings To tie me down.

然而经过一次又一次表演的锤炼,日渐成熟的华伯格给影评界的印象也越发深刻。In role after role, however, a more mature Wahlberg has managed to impress critics.

在中国的影评剧评网站豆瓣网上,这部电视剧的评分甚至达到了8.2分。满分是10分。It has even been rated 8.2 out of 10 on China's theater reviews website "douban. com".

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电影豆子先生是一部大卖片,不过影评差强人意。The film Mr. Bean was a box-office success, but it was not much praised by the critics.

尽管「青蜂侠」不如影评们的预期,但是倒没有人称此片为大烂片。While critics might be a bit disappointed by The Green Hornet, no one's calling it a bad film.

本次AFI年度十佳影片电视剧名单是由13位评委选出的,评委包括制片人、影评家、学者以及AFI董事会成员等。The lists were chosen by 13-member panels of filmmakers, critics, scholars and AFI board members.