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他的观点荒谬绝伦。His viewpoint was utterly absurd.

我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。I didn't credit that absurd tale.

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我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。Eg. I didn't credit that absurd tale.

这些要求简直荒谬绝伦!These claims are absolutely preposterous!

难道发生了如此荒谬绝伦的事后竟无人受到惩罚!Such enormities were to happen and no one was to be punished!

我们无法接受他荒谬绝伦的借口。We couldn't accept the excuse he rendered. It was too ridiculous.

怎么?难道发生了如此荒谬绝伦的事后竟无人受到惩罚!What then! Such enormities were to happen and no one was to be punished!

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这时我知道了,我曾经想过但认为是荒谬绝伦的事竟然是真的。I knew then that the idea I'd had and dismissed as preposterous was true.

若说同性恋是违背自然的,那真是荒谬绝伦了。When we say homosexuality is against nature, this is the biggest nonsense.

她说,认为这样一种游戏会反映她的情况的想法,简直是荒谬绝伦。She said that the very idea that a game could be a reflection of her was ridiculous.

因此,中国式油画也和中国式政治一样,走的奇形怪状,荒谬绝伦。Hence, Chinese-style paintings, as well as Chinese politics are both grotesque and absurd.

我不知道在这个世界上还有没有比这更荒谬绝伦而又自欺欺人的手段!I don't know if there's anything in this world more completely absurd or self-deceptive than that!

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如果你一定要以为他对我真有感情,那么,她们这样做法,便是既不近人情,又荒谬绝伦,我也就更伤心了。By supposing such an affection, you make every body acting unnaturally and wrong, and me most unhappy.

阿拉维斯,哪怕是像你这样的一个小姑娘,也必须留神啊,你若认为它是头真正的狮子,那就是荒谬绝伦了。Even a little girl like you, Aravis, must see that it would be quite absurd to suppose he is a real lion.

评论界的一些人斥之为一部骇人听闻、荒谬绝伦、毫无意义的作品,小说充满阴森恐怖、病态心理和异教思想。The critic commented that it is a horrified, ridiculous and meaningless novel full of horror, morbidity and heresy.

评论界的一些人斥之为一部骇人听闻、荒谬绝伦、毫无意义的作品,小说充满阴森恐怖、病态心理和异教思想。This is a novel once was regarded as horrifying, ridiculous, meaningless and full of terror, ill mentality as well as paganism.

我提到的这些事情,都是从根源上说起,目的在驳斥那个荒谬绝伦的无稽之谈,什麽两千年的古老苏非体系。I have mentioned all this in terms of its roots, to demythologise the absolute nonsensical myth of it being a 2000 year old Sufi system.

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仔细看空中盘旋的那个闪亮笑脸,那货其实是只极乐鸟,它正在表演一场荒谬绝伦的交配仪式。That dayglo smiley hovering in the air in the middle of the jungle is actually a Bird of Paradise engaging in a completely ridiculous mating ritual.

荒谬绝伦的明星仍然不厌倦尽可能多的闪光灯,背过身来看到她身上聚氯乙烯短裤和花边风情。The outrageous star is still not bored of flashing as much flesh as possible and showed off her derriere in tiny PVC knickers and a lace corset top.

他生活在一个金钱正在取代上帝地位的世界中,受到法律保护的金钱交易与残酷无情、荒谬绝伦、令人毛骨悚然的事情交织在一起。He lived in a world in which money was taking the place of God, and money trade, protected by law, was combined with cruel, ridiculous and dreadful things.