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偶然的相遇使两位老朋友再一次聚首。A chance meeting brought the two old friends together again.

这只不过是一群老板聚首并填写表格。It's just a bunch of bosses meeting up and filling in the forms.

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一个由太阳能驱动的机器人和搜索爆炸物的探测机器人们聚首一堂。A solar-powered robot mingled with hazmat robots that search for explosives.

有549名音乐家聚首一堂,在流浪音乐诞生地创造了世界纪录。Some 549 musicians get together to win the record for the birthplace of mariachi.

无论气候是好是坏,父亲和我都不去到场那个聚首。Whether the weather is good or bad, neither father nor Iam going to the gathering.

以色列在主场1比1与希腊握手言和,他们双方将会在星期三再次聚首比拼。Israel drew 1-1 at home to Greece on Saturday and face the same opponents away on Wednesday.

无论气象是好是坏,父亲和我都不去加入那个聚首。Whether the acclimate is good or bad, neither ancestor nor I am traveling to the acquisition.

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这种意识正在全球迅速蔓延,吸引思想领袖聚首一堂,集思广益。This awareness is spreading and has attracted thought-leaders and practitioners working together.

我很高兴出席今天的典礼,与大家聚首一堂,庆祝北区医院正式开幕。It is my pleasure to be here with you to celebrate the grand opening of the North District Hospital.

奥运会是世界级运动员聚首竞技的最佳场合。The Olympic Games is a very good arena for world-class athletes to meet and compete with each other.

我听说有一个小家庭即将在库拉斯特重新聚首。这三个兄弟越来越近了。I hear there is a little family reunion about to take place in Kurast. The Three brothers draw close.

离别多伤,聚首匆匆,此事古难全,何须强回首,枉添旧痕新伤。It hurts, Party hurried, this ancient hard-wide, why should a strong back to the old mark, add new injury.

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不同的肤色,不同的语言,不同的文化因为同一个梦想、同一个理念在这里聚首、在这里融会。Different complexions , languages and cultures gather and blend here amazingly because of one dream and concept.

现在,20个发达和新兴经济体下周聚首匹兹堡的时候,鞋子却是在另一只脚上。Now, with the Group of 20 rich and emerging economies gathering in Pittsburgh next week, the shoe is on the other foot.

再过几天世界一些国家领导人就要聚首英国伦敦,就全球经济危机举行重要峰会,人们对这次峰会所抱的期望非常不同。Just days before world leaders gather in London for a key summit on the global economic crisis, expectations vary widely.

是群英荟萃,老友新朋聚首的大好时机,诚邀国内同行以各种形式参加本次交流。The organizing committee warmly welcomes you to be part of this congress by ways of participating events mentioned above.

文研的师生﹑毕业生﹑和海内外朋友聚首一堂﹐为十周年庆祝活动划上欢乐句号。A party for all students, graduates and friends of the Department, as well as overseas and local scholars attending Crossroads.

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此次聚首是出道22年的他们近15年来首次同台合作。It's been 22 years since they made their debut. And this will be the first time in about 15 years for them to perform together.

曲终的时刻没有泪水,只祈愿有朝一日当我们重新聚首校园时,将那些熟悉的一草一木吻遍。When melody is over, we don't cry. We just hope when we return our campus, we can kiss the familiar grass and trees once again.

这两人令人吃惊地又在98年世界杯上聚首了,马特乌斯代替受伤的萨默尔打清道夫。The two were surprisinglyreunited at the 1998 World Cup Finals when Matthäus stepped in for theinjured Mattias Sammer as sweeper.