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我看得出来的“I can tell."

看得我汗死了Give me a break.

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你能看得懂这本书吗?。Can you read this book?

看得出来你在尽力了。You're working very hard.

我要眯着眼睛才看得到。I have to squint to see it.

看不看得到一只愤怒的兔子?Can you see the angry bunny?

你看得出我擦了粉吗?Do you see I rub the powder?

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我们看得出来罗伯特紧张得很。I can see Robert is nervous.

我看得出你已经得到一个了。I can see you've got that one.

我并不把钱看得太重。I don't take money so serious.

这在脑部扫描中看得出来。This showed up on brain scans.

你把事情看得太认真了。You take things too seriously.

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我看得出这是不可能的。I can see that it's impossible.

他站了起来,以便于看得更清楚。He stood up so as to see better.

那部小说让我看得厌烦了。I'm brassed off with the story.

他看这幅画儿都看得入神了。He was entranced by the painting.

看到各种看得懂的乱入和看不懂的乱入……I looked at him, and I saw myself.

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这个作者看那群蚂蚁看得入了神。The writer watched ants entranced.

白天我们看得到,夜晚则不能。I can see by day, but not by night.

我能看得出来你有地方出问题了。I can tell that something is wrong.