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每一个明天都是有希望的幻景。And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

弥尔顿想把术士们放进这一幻景中。Milton wants to beat the Three Wise Men to the scene.

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他们所说的绿洲很可能只是一种幻景。The oasis they point to may be just an illusion or a mirage.

然而,在这里取得一个胜利的结果恰似乌托邦似的幻景。To get a result here and win the game would have been utopia.

那么,你真是那么关心我,足以驱除那些吓人的幻景吗?。Do you really care for me enough, then to banish those chill fancies?

这幅创意幻景可以在2011年6月7号至12号期间当面欣赏。Creative illusion can be seen in person between June 7th and 12th, 2011.

我的奥布朗!我看见了怎样的幻景!好像我爱上了一头驴子啦。TITANIA My Oberon! What visions have I seen! Methought I was enamour'd of an ass.

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我认为他当时根本什么也看不到,他看到的只是搅动着他灵魂的一些幻景。I think now that he was blind to everything but to some disturbing vision in his soul.

一阵恐惧袭上他的心头,他怕这个幻景会跟巴尔达萨雷有什么关系。A fear had come across him lest the vision should somehow or other relate to Baldassarre.

遥望瀑布,笼罩在轻纱薄雾之中,幻景憧憧。Seen from afar, the cataract is shrouded in a gauzy mist, looking like a flickering mirage.

奥尼尔晚期剧作中的人物往往生活在一个不再有幻景和光明的荒谬世界之中。The characters in O'Neill's later plays often live in the absurd world deprived of illusion and light.

不久之后诗歌发言者意识到,这个幻景,开始听起来有点过头或危险了。Before long the speaker realizes that this fantasy is starting to sound a little extreme or maybe a little dangerous.

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沉闷抑郁、密不透气的黑色背景,映衬著色彩缤纷、绚丽夺目的画中幻景。Standing against the gloomy and impenetrably dark background, the phantasm in the picture is colourful and magnificent.

敌人有各种形状和大小,比如像虫一样的有鳞的龙,岩石的,巨型机器人和灵活的章鱼人等。让自己沉浸在这个幻景中吧!Enemies come in all shapes and sizes like a scaly wormlike dragon, rock heads, giant robots and bouncing octopus creatures.

它想让我们接受这一幻景,幻景中弥尔顿正把这首诗,谦虚的在上帝圣洁的脚下安放。We're being asked to accept the fiction that Milton is having this very poem laid at the blessed feet of the infant Christ.

这还不足为奇,最奇的是海上偶尔出现的幻景,叫海市。This also insufficient for wonderful, what is most wonderful is marine occasionally appears the mirage, is called the mirage.

超现实主义艺术采用不同方法将现实与神奇、怪诞与幻境结合起来,使现实与幻景溶为一体。Surrealism art methods using different reality and magic, weird combination with the Mirage, so that reality and illusion melting into one.

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自从今年三月,我开始筹划了此一梦魇幻景,至今我的这件超现实风格创作已发展至巅峰。I have been planning a nightmare dreamscape since March. It is supposed to be a cumulative high point of my surrealism works and style up to date.

这对诗人是一个非常好的幻景,把自己看做是一位有灵感的诗人,但这儿还有些怪异的事情。This may seem to be a perfectly reasonable vision for a poet considering himself to be an inspired poet to have, but there's something peculiar here.

陌个人脸上露出惊异和痛苦的表情,他似乎在闷不作声地跟原始本能搏斗,生怕奇妙的幻景消失。The stranger's face had a pained expression of stupor and he seemed to be battling silently against his primary instincts so as not to break up the mirage.