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我并非生来就是一个性情温和的人。I was not born mild.

这是一个温和的网站。It is a moderated site.

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这是一个温和无雪的暖冬。This is a green winter.

温和的偏南风。Moderate southerly winds.

这是一部比较温和的电影。It is a very equable film.

临床证明温和。Clinically proven mildness.

她性情温和。She is mild in disposition.

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阿岱对瑞拉温和地笑了笑。Adai smiled warmly at Rilla.

温和黑色卡文迪什融合。A mild Black Cavendish blend.

他是一个温和、不惹人讨厌的人。He is a mild, inoffensive man.

他的声音是温和亲切的。His voice was gentle and kind.

温和的回答能使愤怒者平静。A gentle answer quietens anger.

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温和的答案可以息怒。A soft answer turns away wrath.

在自然环境中,他是一种温和、平静的狗。By nature he is an equable dog.

相反,选择用温和的清洁用品。Instead, choose mild cleansers.

时间能温和极度的沉痛。Time tames the strongest grief.

而白色的小猫非常温和。But the hite cat is very gentle.

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但你虽一向温和却很勇敢。But thou wast ever bravely meek.

温和的回答能够息怒。A soft answer turneth away wrath.

对待自己,要温和又坚定。Be gentle but firm with yourself.