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女童军是忠心的。Girl Scout is loyal.

女童军是忠心的。A Girl Scout is loyal.

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女童军是谦恭的。Girl Scout is courteous.

女童军是谦恭的。A Girl Scout is courteous.

女童军是爱护动物的。Scout is a friend to animals.

穿上你的女童军制服。Wear your Girl Scout uniform.

突然,一女童喘鸣,哭了。In a trice, a girl stridor, cried.

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女童军的荣誉是受人信赖的。Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.

女童军的荣誉是受人信赖的。A Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.

我们永远会从女童军毕业么?Will we ever graduate from the Girl Scouts?

奥尔科特老总提供的女童教育。Mister Alcott provided the girls' education.

加建新翼以多容纳20名失明女童。A new wing added to house 20 more blind girls.

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女童军的言语、思想及行为是纯洁的。Girl Scout is pure in thought, in word and in deed.

十年来,妇女和女童的生活质量改善了多少?Ten years on, how far have women and girls advanced?

女童军的言语、思想及行为是纯洁的。A Girl Scout is pure in thought, in word and in deed.

妇女和女童应能受到初等教育。Women and girls should have access to primary education.

这位妹妹有一名18个月的女童,她于5月14日死亡。This sister had an 18-month-old girl, who died on 14 May.

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第三例为来自盖勒尤比亚省的一名四岁女童。The third case is a 4-year-old girl from Qalubiea Governorate.

其中共有33名男童及24名女童,年龄从十二天大到十八岁不等。There were 33 boys and 24 girls, aged 12 days to 18 years old.

上中学的女童很少,再继续升学的就更少了。Too few girls attend secondary school and even fewer go beyond.