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该工会与工人是血肉相连的。We are always as close as flesh and Blood.

他认为自己和俄国人民血肉相连He identified himself with the Russian people.

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教育与知识有着血肉相连的内在关系。Education and knowledge has close inner relationship.

亲情是一种血肉相连的情感,是一笔超越时空的财富。The family is a deeply emotional, is a treasure beyond time and space.

你是否忘记了你曾在我子宫里,与我血肉相连的九个月?Do you forget that mime full months I carried you in my womb and nourished you with my blood?

中国现代文学与中国近现代传播媒介有着血肉相连的关系。Modern Chinese Literature and China propagate media there is relation related by flesh and blood modern times.

毫无疑问,在公众眼中,马云已经像史蒂夫·乔布斯或比尔·盖茨一样,与自己的公司血肉相连。Ma, to be sure, has become as publicly associated with his company as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates have with theirs.

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因为诵读与人的精神世界是血肉相连的,通过诵读教学的实施可以将文本中美的幼苗植入学生的心灵。Because reading is deeply connected with the spiritual world, aestheticism can be implanted in the students'mind through reading.

对每一个炎黄子孙来说,龙的形身是一种符号、一种血肉相连的情感。For every one of all the children of the Yellow Emperor, the dragon shape is a symbol, a be related by flesh and blood of emotion.

你会记得我们姐儿俩是孪生姐妹,你知道,联接这样两个血肉相连的心的纽带是有多么微妙。My sister and I, you will recollect, were twins, and you know how subtle are the links which bind two souls which are so closely allied.

在那个文学与政治血肉相连的年代,一份追求中间立场的文学杂志是很难生存下来的。At that era when literature had a close relationship with politics, a magazine pursuing middle-of-the-road standpoint was difficult to survive.

土地改革与种子产业血肉相连,必将给蔬菜种业带来前所未有的巨大变化。The land reform has a close connection with the seed industry, which will certainly bring unprecedented great changes to vegetable seed industry.

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奇观与虚拟美学血肉相连,符合并满足消费时代的受众需求。The combination of marvelous spectacles and virtual aesthetics corresponds with and satisfies the needs of target audiences in the consumption era.

无论是哲学思想的源泉,还是它们所遵循的美学原则,自然式植物种植形式和中国水墨画都有血肉相连的关系。No matter the source of the philosophy thought, than aesthetic principle they follow the natural planting form and Chinese ink painting is related by flesh and blood.

欧洲作为现代文明的孕育中心,绘画原本作为宗教的传播工具,从诞生起,就与宗教血肉相连、密不可分。In Europe, a breeding center of modern civilization, painting was originally a religious communication tool. Its blood linkage with religion has been inseparable from the beginning.