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看!我在倒挂!呵呵!Look! I'm upside down! Hehe!

四只蝙蝠正在阁楼顶上倒挂着。Four bats are hanging in back attics.

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斯内普抬起眼睛看着那张倒挂的脸。Snape raised his eyes to the upside down face.

手榴弹倒挂在每人的束身皮带上,弹柄朝下。Stick bombs hung handle down from their belts.

直到今天,蝙蝠仍住在洞里。倒挂着。To this day bats live in caves, hanging upside down.

彼得是倒挂在十字架上殉道的。Peter was crucified upside down on an x-shaped cross.

汤姆在第三分钟以一记精彩的倒挂金钩得分。Tom scored with a spectacular bicycle kick in the third minute.

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这些小动物可以用尾巴将自己倒挂在树枝上。These small animals can suspend from the branches by their tails.

一只小猴子用两只脚紧紧钩住了树枝,倒挂下来。A little monkey with two feet firmly hooked branches, upside down.

星期天用手抓着鸡脚以倒挂金钩的方式提着鸡走在百老汇是违法的。It is illegal to carry a chicken by it's feet down Broadway on Sunday.

我的脸部开始充血,又红又涨,我在窗户外倒挂着。And "Hey." My face swelling hot and full of blood, I'm hanging upside down.

内德尸体的脚倒挂在车旁边的树上。Hanging by his feet from the tree next to the car was the dead body of Ned.

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后来可怕的一天到来了,当他在暴怒的狮子头顶上倒挂时一不下心掉了下去。Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion, he s and falls.

一大锅牛奶、一名倒挂的女人,从她的嘴中用力拽出一条活蛇。A cauldron of milk, a woman hung upside-down, a live snake extracted from her mouth.

当然,半裸的特技演员以脚踝从天花板倒挂,确有看头。Sure, the half-naked acrobat suspended by her ankles from the ceiling was remarkable.

在交配仪式上,雌性古布拉金线鱼头朝下呈倒挂式并露出白色的部分吸引雄性。In the mating ritual, the cubera females hang upside down and turn white to attract males.

那个打电话的人后来继续来电说,一个嘴里长着毒牙的吸血鬼从他车顶倒挂在车前。The caller went on to describe a vampire with fangs reaching down from the top of the car.

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花朵倒挂,宛如中国灯笼,引诱蜜蜂坠入精心准备的花粉室。Blooms hang upside down like Chinese lanterns, luring bees into an elaborate pollen chamber.

假如要干制荷兰芹,将植株的茎部绑在一起,将其倒挂在暖和、阴暗、通风的地方。To dry parsley tie the plant stems together and hang them upside down in a warm dark airy place.

巴西过去一个月中债券收益率曲线出现倒挂,这说明投资者对增长前景日益感到担忧。In Brazil, the yield curve has inverted in the past month, suggesting rising anxiety over growth.