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他买了一个压力锅。He bought a pressure cooker.

安联球场就象一个压力锅。Allianz Arena will be a pressure cooker.

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将牛肉放在压力锅里。Put the silverside in a pressure cooker.

电压力锅煲汤营养会损失吗?Electric pressure cooker soup nutrition loss?

也就是我们之前提到的压力锅。That is the pressure cooker we talked about before.

沸水反应堆和我们平时用的蒸汽压力锅类似。Boiling Water Reactors are similar to a pressure cooker.

这个推销员当众表演如何用压力锅煮东西。The salesman demonstrated how to cook with a pressure cooker.

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这个倾销员当众演示如何用压力锅煮东西。This salesman demonstrated how to cook with a pressure cooker.

一只压力锅竟可售卖到如此高价,让我不由惊叹。A pressure cooker being sold at such a high price made me amazed.

所以想像一下,一个在炉子上的压力锅,持续地,慢慢地在进行加热。So imagine our pressure cooker on the stove, heat on low, but on.

实际上,蒸压热处理用的就是工业级别的旋转压力锅。In essence, autoclaves are industrial-sized rotating pressure-cookers.

嗨,我只是碰巧没有用来加热的压力锅。Well, I just don't happen to have an oven-like pressure vessel I can heat.

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此后很长一段时间,我被这只压力锅的故事所缠绕。Later for a long time I have been haunted by the episode of this pressure cooker.

我们用压力锅炖鸡汤,节省了时间和煤气。With the help of the pressure-cooker, we cook chicken soup with less time and gas.

本实用新型涉及一种压力锅安全防爆窗。The utility model relates to an explosion-proof safety window for a pressure cooker.

本实用新型提供了一种压力锅用调压式限压阀。The utility model provides a pressure-regulating pressure-limited valve for a pressure cooker.

虽然麦赫沃德和他的团队喜欢压力锅,但他们并不仅仅依赖于灶顶类型的设备。And while Myhrvold and his team love pressure cookers, they don't rely only on stove-top versions.

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虽然麦赫沃德和他的团队喜欢压力锅,但他们并不仅仅依赖于灶顶类型的设备。And while Myhrvold and his team love pressure cookers, they don’t rely only on stove-top versions.

不易煮烂的食物应选用压力锅,既省时又节能。A pressure cooker shall be applied for the food hard to boil, it is time-saving and energy-efficient.

然后核心被放入“压力容器”中,也就是我们之前提到的蒸汽压力锅的比喻。The core is then placed in the "pressure vessels". That is the pressure cooker we talked about before.