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不知怎的它脱离了轨道的铺砌道口。Somehow it had veered off the paved crossing.

切割及铺砌各种砖片及屋瓦。Cutting, shaping and laying tiles to floor, wall and roof.

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我们能分清铺砌的跑道和未铺砌的地方。We can distinguish between paved runway and unpaved areas.

通常情况下,这项运动被称为骑自行车上铺砌的表面。Typically, this sport is known as biking on an unpaved surface.

未经铺砌的道路使我们行进缓慢,尽管剩下的路途并不算遥远。The unpaved roads made it slow-going, though we didn't have far to go.

她向她的朋友们说着再会,沿着黄砖铺砌的路又动身了。She bade her friends good-bye, and again started along the road of yellow brick.

策略借助日光画廊咖啡厅,创造出花岗岩铺砌的庭院空间。The strategy provides a granite paved courtyard space, via the daylight gallery café.

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我从没想到,两米长的铺砌路面都能带来如此美妙的放松感。I never thought that two meters of paved road could offer such pure feelings of relief.

狭窄的街道是用石子铺砌的,小院和室内的地面也是如此。The narrow streets are paved with stones, as are the small courtryards and the floors of houses.

这是死人尸骨铺砌的胡同,下面埋着衣衫褴楼、歪七扭八、互相搂抱在一起的死人,还有沙丁鱼骨制成的脊骨。A lane of dead bones, of crooked, cringing figures buried in shrouds. Spines made of sardine bones.

靠近这个地方,有好几条路,不久她找到一条用黄砖铺砌的路。There were several roads nearby, but it did not take her long to find the one paved with yellow bricks.

另一条是未经铺砌的,被不愿受约束的行人踩出来的小路。And there are unpaved paths created by pedestrians who were unwilling to be constrained by those latter.

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我出生的老屋里,厅堂前有一个石面铺砌的院子,足供我嬉戏奔跑。I used to play on the flagstones of the courtyard in front of the hall of the old house where I had been born.

在碧玉、白玉、珍珠和宝石铺砌的地面上,陈设了金银的床榻。Gold and silver couches were on the pavement, which was of porphyry, marble, mother-of-pearl, and colored stones.

记得,回家的路是共同的旅程,它是由分享喜悦的乐趣铺砌而成!Remember, the path "home" is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy! I am the Metatron.

地面铺砌过的道路,为街道通向主入口,其设为其中一个立面的玻璃部分。A paved pathway leads from the street towards the main entrance, which is set into a glazed portion of one of the facades.

沙尘暴已经从铺砌过的地面毕业,进入开阔的原野,现在已经有把握可以在野外以超过48公里的时速自行驾驶。Sandstorm has graduated from a paved lot to an open field, where it now safely drives by itself at more than 30 miles an hour.

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打开一扇黑色的锻铁门,便是瓷砖铺砌的入口,再往里是三层搁板,摆放的全是亡者的尸体。A black wrought-iron gate opened onto a tiled entryway that led to the three levels of shelves where the dead were to be placed.

基奎特在最近的一次讲话中说,他能做到的最好地步就是让越过迁徙路线的那一段道路留下来不进行铺砌。In a recent speech, Kikwete said the best he could do was to leave the part of the road that crossed the migratory route unpaved.

现在,圆石铺砌的小路旁都是破败的楼房,看上去就像圣灵都从里面跑了出来一样。Today, the cobblestoned streets are lined with defeated clapboard houses that look as if the spirit’s been sucked right out of them.